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Opinions sought on a color scheme...

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Hi. I'm looking for opinions on a color scheme for a DIY Chapter I'm working on, the Angels of Perdition. Their basic fluff/appearance concept is Ravenwing meets Legion of the Damned. There's more to their background but for the core of the army's look that's what I'm shooting for. The models will be a combination of DA/RW/LotD/Chaos/SM parts. This is what I came up with:




The main colors used (as per the Painter program) are:

Vallejo Model Color Black-Green for the armor

Citadel Color Chaos Black for the chest wings and backpack exhausts (the latter item on the actual models will be Cypher backpacks - all wing iconography will be black)

Citadel Color Bleached Bone for the helmet, soft armor, stomach cabling and frag grenades (gotta love bone shrapnel!)

Citadel Color Blazing Orange for the pad inset, eyes and krak grenades

Citadel Color Rotting Flesh for the face grill, purity seals and pouches


This is primarily a Bike army, BTW. Bikes will be a different scheme incorporating more Rotting Flesh, Bleached Bone and Chaos Black.


Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks in advance...

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Black armour - good. Orange accents? Very good. Bone helmet calls attention to the head. Yeah, I like it. I think I'd have to see the bone cabling before I was really convinced about that, but otherwise I think it's a strong scheme.


I'm assuming they're a DA successor.


How about the bikes? What are they going to look like?

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Looking good SBJ. :)


I love the choice of orange of course :lol: , but the green/black isn't very disitnct form the black of the chest eagle. I can only assume that the green will be more pronounced in the finished product. I personally would choose for a blue black (or black highlighted with blue), to better complement the orange. But then again; you might be wanting to move away from the black after your Templars, in which case I'd suggest a lighter colour.


The bone looks pretty nice, and the bone soft parts of the armour are certainly interesting; one does not see that often, and it contrasts well with the dark armour. I would choose a different colour for the rotting flesh parts though; too similar to the bleached bone in tone, and a metallic silver might be nice there (with the pouches being bone too and the frags also orange; the shapes are established well enough; people will recognise which is which by that alone. besides; they're eye candy at best, as all marines come with all of those as standard of course).


Looking forward to your fluff... :)

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Thanks, gents. The colors chosen were fueled by fluff. As I hinted, they're a combination of the DA/Ravenwing and Legion of the Damned. I wanted to incorporate elements of both without being too much of one or the other. Vallejo's Black-Green is much lighter in reality, though it is distinctly different from Dark Angels Green. So, no blue-black but black-green.


As for the frags being orange versus bone, I went with the bone for fluff reasoning in that they're actually made of bone. Same thing with the krak grenades in that they explode with super-heated flame as opposed to a shaped charge. Kind of stretching it a bit there but, hey, it is my fluff after all.


I get what you're saying, D, about the Rotting Flesh. I'll probably do little weird highlights with that instead and pick a different main color for the pouches. Again, I was looking to hint that they were actually made of flesh as opposed to cured leather or whatever.


The bikes. Well, the bikes are going to be a bit different. The idea for this army came from the Biblical reference in Revelation dealing with the Fourth Horseman. He sat on a "pale horse", 'pale' being translated as a light, sickly green. I'm going to try and use that color palette, as well as some elements of the Marines, without making the bikes appear too organic.

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colour scheme looks very nice indeed, and the bikes sound good too.


one small point, doesn't really matter if it doesn't bother you, but there is already an Angels of Perdition knocking around on the board, IA article by Nine-Breaker (if I remember right) in Librarium


anyway, looks good



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one small point, doesn't really matter if it doesn't bother you, but there is already an Angels of Perdition knocking around on the board, IA article by Nine-Breaker (if I remember right) in Librarium


Doesn't bother me in the least, of course. Considering the niche community we live in I'd expected as much. I can probably say without a doubt , though, that mine may predate his in concept at least, by quite a few years. I've been playing this game since Rogue Trader and have quite a long to-do list of idears... :huh: Regardless, no one besides the Marines themselves really knows the Chapter's actual name. They've merely been described as being "angels of perdition". Keeps the mystery alive especially seeing as there are reports of "a warrior clad in ancient black power armor without livery or panoply" sometimes seen fighting alongside them...

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