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Subsitute for Predators?


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I have been looking into using two Dakka Predators and I have extra armor on them. Is it worth it.


It is a SW army at 2500. My dakka are the two Predators and 1 Rifleman dred.


I had the extra armor on the Preds, is it worth it or should I move those points somewhere else.




SM/SW Dakka Predators are nice because they're so cheap. E. Armor is an expensive upgrade that helps you move around and since your Predator shouldn't be moving so it can fire all 3 weapons I would leave it off.


In bigger armies like 2.5k I'd think that having Combi-Predators instead of Dakka Predators would be more useful simply because you have more points available and the current meta-game is transport heavy and Heavy Bolters are only barely acceptable against Rhinos and can't do anything against AV12.

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The TL-Las kind or the LasC sponson kind?


These are to fill my anti-troop / light armor niche, the rifleman is my anti-Transport.


Well, I either use the extra points to upgrade the Dakka Predators or use them to upgrade my rifleman into something more killy,

like a TLLC - ML.


These are not suppose to do most of my killing anyways, my TWC and LR are suppose to do most of the work.



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Well if you're looking for pure anti-infantry, I feel that Whirlwinds or TFC (can SW get those?) are usually better simply because they can ignore cover.


EDIT: Another option is a pair of TLHB Razorbacks. 5 points cheaper and about the same firepower for killing infantry considering the TLing. Also has the advantage of being able to move/shoot.

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Thats assuming of course you have the squads available to provide you with transports for such a job. The advantage, and drawback, of a whirlwind is that it takes up its own slot.


I would almost always take a Whirlwind over a Predator- the autocannons are nice, but Ill take Ordnance armor penetration, ignoring line of sight, cover from the center whole, two shot types, and pinning over the Predators straight forward thwap any day of the week.

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