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Gerrie's Ultramarine WIPs


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I've been lurking around the forums for a couple of weeks now, sometimes posting some stuff in the painting area mainly. This is my first post where I show some of my own work, and it's meant to be a placeholder for all my work in progress on my Ultramarines army. I'm also preparing some stuff for the Golden Bolter competition so be sure to see some non-Ultramarines stuff from me very soon.


The army is quite basic at the moment: there are two tactical squads and some loose marines with special weapons and bolters, and a Space Marine captain. There's no real plan on how I want to expand the army, I guess I'll just add models based on what I want to paint (since I'm more of a painter than a gamer).


I try to stick to the official paint scheme simply because I like it. The only real difference is that I use a blue which is a lot darker than how GW paints their Ultramarines.


Today I want to show you a picture of my drop pod (which is almost done) and my Assault on Black Reach dreadnought.




I've been working on this drop pod for way too long :) The painting of the outside took some time, but after struggling with the warning stripes (the yellow paint kept running over the blue on the outside of the pod) I got seriously demotivated and banned this model to a corner of my desk for 2-3 months. I picked it up a few weeks ago, fixing the stripes. I've progressed a little further since this picture was taken, it's actually nearly done.




I'm testing out a new paint recipe for my Ultramarines on this dreadnought. Basically he's basecoated using Heavy Blue from the new Vallejo Extra Opaque range. It took two (dilluted) coats to get a nice finish. After that I washed it with Vallejo Black Wash with a lot of water added, and when that was dry I shaded the stuff like the edges with additional Vallejo Black Wash, only slightly dilluted this time. After that I started highlighting using Vallejo Model Color Prussian Blue (which I use on all my Ultramarines) and White. I did this in three steps: 2:1 blue:white, then 1:1 blue:white and finally a 1:2 blue:white highlight to finish. The highlights are mostly painted on, not drybrushed. Anyway a fun model to paint, but he soaks up a lot more paint than I expected :)

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thanks :)


I cleaned up my desk a while ago and built a bigger paint 'stadium' as I call it. Here's how it looks without miniatures on it:



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