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Blood Angel

Imperator Mos

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I painted this guy for a couple of reasons.

1. I like the color scheme of BA.

2. I dont paint red very often, so I wanted to give that a shot.

3. I've played against a lot of BA armies, and none of them looked as cool as I would have liked, so I wanted to see if i could do better.

4. I've been toying around with starting an assault based chapter, so he's a test for how much work it would be to paint like, 50 more.

So anyway, let me know what you think. Thanks.




Yes, I did a crappy job on the mold lines.

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Not bad at all sir. I've been thinking of doing the same thing myself lately. And an easy way to take care of mold lines is shaving them off with a razor blade or hobby kinfe. makes it nice and clean and takes only a few seconds. Major time saver on vehicles B)
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Really nice start there mate, if you do decide to paint an army be sure to download the pdf. codex to learn the different markings. Mr. Bleak has already said about helmet colour but also things like the inset of the shoulder pad is black to identify the sergeants rank. But for your first test model it is really good.
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Oooooh! I simply MUST know how you got that red, I'm thinking of painting up my Black Reach marines as Blood Angels and can't find a decent recipe anywhere. Yours have that darker, grittier feel that I really would like to reproduce. Any chance you could post/PM me the recipe please?


L. Wrex

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Thanks for the replies, guys, I wasn't expecting this much of a response. I'm aware of the yellow helmet thing, just didn't want to... :lol:


Red recipe is black undercoat, mechrite foundation, light coat of blood red, black wash, blood red highlight. Sealed with Testors Dullcoat. The dullcoat makes the transfer blend very nice as well.

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