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My Black legion boys!


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HI all so start this topic else were and it screwed up im starting it again!!!!

So i've been working on a Black legion/Chaos army for some time now and ive started to add some back ground to the squads and models etc so thought id share my ideas with everyone here.

!st up is Korag and his wolves of chaos




Korag was once a member of the Space wolves chapter where he was known as Korag the bloody. He was reckless as a blood claw, always charging in without concern for his battle brothers. Eventually during a confrontation with a strike squad of black legion marines Korgas squad was wiped out leaving him the soul survivor. Stories say Korag was taken hostage by the Chaos marines but truth is Korag aided in the demise of his brothers and willing joined the Chaos horde.

ONce amongst the ranks of the chaos horde Korag rose quickly in the ranks proving himself favoured by the gods. he killed the current captain of the first squad and seized his place as terminator captain.

He became known as Korag the black wolf and he renamed his squad the wolves of chaos.




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Your metallics lack depth, but otherwise the models look pretty good. Use a wash of Gryphonne Sepia or Devlun Mud on the gold, and use Baddab Black on the silver. Highlight both of them on the very edges with Mythrill Silver, then do another thinned down wash.


I would also add some more detail to the base. Static grass would look pretty good.

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Yea I know i gotta add more to the bases, thats the project over the coming days but thank for your comments.

So heres the second guy im working on atm, Balthazaar the watcher of fate. only got a rough story for him so far, was gonna say he was around during the heresy etc and he is a high level psyker, not sure wahat else to really come up for him so ideas would be cool.



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I just wanna state the cape isn't finished!!!!!


So the hour glass is taken from the empire battle wizard and im gonna replace the staff head with a part from that same kit, the fingers holding the hour glass are green stuff and the cape is a milliput base, gonna put green stuff over it for detail when dry!!!!

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yea he's far from finished, there is a book but the cape coverd some of it, but yea i gotta add more on, didnt think of scrolls though so thats an option, i really liked the head wanted to kinda get across that chaos taint has set in and th fact that his eyes are covered show he relies onchaos to guid his hand so to speak
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So heres the second guy im working on atm, Balthazaar the watcher of fate. only got a rough story for him so far, was gonna say he was around during the heresy etc and he is a high level psyker, not sure wahat else to really come up for him so ideas would be cool.


What a neat conversion! :P

Looking good so far, should be agreat looking army when it's finished :)

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