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Pig of Sparta's GBE Blood Angels Captain Gaius

Pig Of Sparta

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Good Evening Brothers. I thought I'd put up some photos to mark the begining of my quest for glory in the Golden Bolter contest. I apologise in advance for the quality of the pictures as my camera battery was dying so they were a little rushed.





Obviously he still needs quite a bit of work before painting begins, the wrist joint on the sword arm needs tidying up along with a few mold lines here and there. I'm not entirely sold on the storm bolter, I think it looks a little unwieldy for a marine in power armour, even though he's a captain. I've got an arm with a master crafted plasma pistol that I might use instead. Once the battery for the camera has charged up I'll stick a couple of photos with the plasma pistol arm on. I might also try and find a different 'banner' for his back pack I thought the halo would look really good, but now I'm not so sure.


I'm planning to paint him as a captain of the Exorcists chapter, I think he fits quite well with the fluff, with the book, scroll, purity seals and chains of charms across his shoulder pad. I'm thinking of trying to sculpt an Exorcists chapter marking for his left shoulder pad, if this doesn't work though I'll be freehanding it instead.


I realise this project is still in it's infamcy, but any comments or criticism will be appreciated, I'm aiming to push myself harder than ever before for this contest, so any feed back will be useful.



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Well a plasma pistol would give you an opportunity to paint some coils and glow in a contrasting color. Exorcists are dark red if i remember correctly and i think some contrasting coils would help the model stand out better than a blocky metal storm bolter.


Maybe sculpting some candles on his backpack exhaust vents? I don't know what you have in mind for the banner but maybe you could just use a stock one and add some litany parchment or scroll cases on it.

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Crikey he looks almost identical to the captain I converted up for my marines. Hopefully this means great minds think alike B) If it helps I used the backpack from the captain box on him to beef him up a little and make him further stand out from regular marines.



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Thanks for the comments guys.


@ Dan the Daemon:, I went with the plasma pistol as (I'm sorry Justicar Valius) the more I looked at the stormbolter the more I thought it looked not quite right. It seemed to heavy and chunky to be sticking out like that. I've also changed the 'banner' too, although I'm not sure I'll keep it as the pose of the mini makes it look like it's tipping forward on him. I like the idea of more parchment and candles, I might have a play with some greenstuff.


@ GumbaFish: I think great minds must think alike :D. As you'll see below I've changed mine slightly now, but I'd like to see how yours comes out when it's done. I'm not the biggest fan of the eagle-headed back pack, I'm afraid, but on some mini's it does look quitw good, yours being one of them. That said, I think I'll stick with a standard back pack, for this one.


@ Justicar Valius: I have that web sergeant so I might try his back pack to see what it looks like but I'm thinking a banner will give me more room to 'show off' which isn't always a bad thing.


I took some new photos the other night. One again they aren't the best quality I'm afraid (it was pitch black and -11 degrees outside and we only have crappy energy saver bulbs in our house) but they do afford a reasonable look at the mini.



After taking the photos I noticed I'd missed a mould line on one of his belt pouches, so after I've cleaned that up, and if it stops raining today, I'll get the main body undercoated, and probably the backpack, unless think of a better idea for it. I want to get started on painting him now before I lose interest too much...


so fingers crossed the rain stops :)





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Mu cutting skills aren't that great I'm afraid (I only have a cheap stanley knife) it's the plasma pistol from the commander box set with the silly looking telescopic sight trimmed off (like you need a sight on such a short ranged, point and shoot weapon?).


I'm going to feel really smug now, the shoulder pad is actually a regular marine one with the rim filed down to look like a mkVI one as I'm too poor to afford to buy one (even from a bits site, have you seen the price of them? still I suppose you do only get one per tactical set....)If it looks like a studded one shaved down then I must've made a halfway decent job of doing it ;)



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I really like the conversion: simple, yet very effective. The best kind in many respects :rolleyes: It has a very nice 'flow' to it.


I think you may need another banner though, or remove it entirely. I just don't think the fabric is hanging naturally given his pose. It almost does, but it should be hanging forward from the pole.


Perhaps a backpack icon would be better? Or do you think the model needs the height of the banner?

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@ pingo: Thanks for the comments. This mini was the result of one of those sudden flashes of inspiration. I coulden't use the bolter arm that comes with him because it was horrendously mis-cast, it was almost like the two halves of the mould had slid across each other the mould 'line' was so huge. I also didn't really like the way he was holding the combat blade, so I had to find something else for him to hold. I tried giving him a pointing right hand, and even tried him holding a grenade like he ws about to toss it, but this pose stuck in my mind, and I'm glad it did. Now I've got him undercoated, and everything's the same colour it alsmot looks like he was made like this originally.


As for the banner, he doesn't have to have one, I could go with the icon on his back pack instead, but I'd like to try and keep it because I think he looks quite good with it, and it gives me a bit more room to 'show off'. I filed down the connector plate on his back a little more before I undercoated him, so hopefully it'll look a little more natural now. If it still looks a little funny, I think I'll use an icon instead.


@ verpine: Thanks mate. I like to use that sword hand as I love the simplicity of the sword itself. I can see why it could (should?) look more ornate, he is a captain after all, but, I was thinking of trying out the whole 'glowing arcs or lightning' effect on the blade to compensate for it not being as flashy in itself. This might not fit however, in which case I've got a tried and tested method for adding texture to sword blades which I'll use instead.



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Double post I'm afraid. I've done some work on the armour, but I'm not sure if it looks that great. I've got a pic below, but please bear in mind I had to use the flash on my camera to get it decently lit (I don't like doing this as it can give a false impression of the colours, but I've used the auto correct on my photo editor so hopefully it's reasonably close to the real thing).




I thought I'd go with a creamy yellow for his cloak, to contrast the red and black on his armour, it's in the early stages just now which is why it's pink looking. I'm trying a recipe for yellow from an old white dwarf that uses bronzed flesh as the first basecoat :)


any ways, any comments or critcism will be greatly appreciated, as like I said I'm not sure he looks that great just now (obviously he's a bit of a mess, but I' a messy painter unfortunately....)



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I agree the eagle headed pack is a bit over the top sometimes. I am curious to see what you do with the cloak, I have had mine primed for a while and I haven't started because I have had the same question about what to do exactly with the inside of this cloak.
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Another photo update, I've started to block in some of the othe colours now, and have begun some initial highlights on them as well. I'm leaving the cloak basecoated for just now so that I can tidy up any paint splashes more easily.





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Hi Guys, another double-post photo update, I've done some more work on the details, I just really need to get a decent light for taking photos under! :lol:




I'll be starting work on the cloak soon, but I need at least two hours spare to work on it so I can do all the different shades one after the other to keep it smooth. Maybe at the weekend if I'm lucky....


Oh and if anyone can help with the colour of the wax part of the purit seals I'd be most grateful, I'm thinking either green or really pink-purple to contrast with the red armour, but I'm not sure.


please feel free to leave c&c



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Thanks for the comments guys. I made a start on his banner and backpack last night. I'll try and get some new pics up on tues or weds, as I'm off work I might be able to take some photos in daylight!


I think I'm gonna go with purple for the wax on the purity seals. I'm gonna try and aim for the colour that Eavy Metal painted the studio's Space Hulk terminator's ones.



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Thanks Mar Bloodaxe. May be you could help me out a little then. The majority of people who have commented say they love the yellow on the cape, so now I'm not sure whether to go with my original plan, (which was to have a really creamy yellow for the cape using golden yellow and bleached bone and leave this yellow in the recesses) or, to keep this yellow, shade the recesses with a golden brown colour and use golden yellow and skull white to highlight up keeping this yellow for the majority of the cape....


Now as promised here's a couple of photos of his banner and back pack as they stand just now. I was gonna take a couple of picks with them on the main mini, but my camera's batteries were dying I'm afraid.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys, just thought I'd post a couple of update photos of the cap.




I apologise if the photos are too large, but I wanted to see how they looked when scaled to around 800x600. Still a fair bit of work to do, but I'm hoping to have him done by the end of December.


any comments or criticism will be greatly appreciated,





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