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Pig of Sparta's GBE Blood Angels Captain Gaius

Pig Of Sparta

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Some mixed comments on the yellow, I'll have a think about that. I'll maybe try a really light brown glaze to tone it down just a little bit. Thanks Verpine, sword bretheren and Joker. I've actually inadvertantly darkened the plasm coils, so I'll re-work them back to glowing again :rolleyes:.


The power sword took 2 tries to get it to work so I'm glad I've pulled it off. As for the base Verpine, I'm mentally working on one as I type involving some resin bits and greenstuff.



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@ sonofwaranddeath: yes. yes I do. The thing with red is that there are so many different ways to make it, so many different shades etc that you could paint half a dozen different mini's using the same 3 pots of paint and have every single one look different. This guy's armour is Scab Red, Red Gore, Blood Red and Baal Red Wash, that's it ;). I think another thing about reds that appeal to me is that they can be tricky to pull off and I love to challenge myself when I'm painting. I wouldn't second guess putting a mini in, you never know what the judges, and our Brothers and Sisters might like!


@ smallvictory: I have considered adding a simple embroidered border to the back of the cloak, just to make it look a little les like a massive expanse of yellow. I figure as well that since he's a Captain, he'd have at least a little decoration to mark his seniority as well. As for the back of the banner that hadn't occured to me, but since you've mentioned it I might have a think about it now.


I'm now kinda torn about the yellow on his cape. Roughly half of the replies I've had think it's too bright, the other half think it's ok. I'm going to take an big(ish) risk here and go with leaving it as is for three reasons:


1) I's my mini.


2)I think if I took the photo's in more natural light it might look a little less loud than it does just now (our kitchen lights have a 'yellow' tinge to them so the colour everything unrealisticaly).


3) I'm afraid if I tone it down too much, or make a mistake while toning it down I'd have to start on the yellow all over again.


This is not to say that I don't value the feedback you've given me (because I do), and once the mini is finished I may try a really light glaze on the cloak just to calm it a tiny amount.





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I havent jumped into this thread yet so here i am B)


A few ideas and explanations


in order for the yellow cape to work you need to do some more work on it and the armour


Firstly, you need to add substantially brighter highlights to the red armour towards a focal point to draw a main starting point for the eye...on top of this you need to darken the shadows on the cape from the "front view" the back view isnt as crucial in terms of focal point howevr it could use more gradual shading



If you are afraid to do something then you are only hurting yourself....if you arent willing to go the distance and push your skills why enter a competition? If you dont believe in your abilities, or learn to, it doesnt really matter how much time you put in. A lot of people hinder their progress simply because of fear.


You need to spend more time working your colours....by time i mean effort and patience not necessarily physical minutes and hours. More layers and/or more accurate placement of colours. Judges(especially these guys) will notice messy work right away.


As this is a potentially large competition, you gotta try and bring something to the table...this is the most difficult thing for a newer painter to do because they dont have the giant skill repertoire. My suggestion to you, is do what Boltman did, and study the colours and ideas for your specific model/piece/idea and try and perfect them, even if you dont win, or come close to perfecting them, you will still of accomplished a lot by doing so.



the main thing is to start getting your lighting accurate, this does the most for helping you create shape, instead of simply painting blocks of colour in...your round surfaces will feel and appear round, your sharp edges sharp and so on



ive done some editing to the cape and banner on the rear shot to give an idea of what it "could" look like....


now, you fear is mucking up yellow, and to be honest, i cant blame you, yellow is annoying...the KEY is to use very dilute paints, of softer colours...so dont use intense browns or red or so on, instead soften the colour so its kinda faded(green+grey+yellow for example) this will make it so its easier to paint on without completely ruining your yellow in one go...it requires patience to shade tho


next the most important thing about an "ugly" yellow, i say that because this yellow is VERY finicky and can go from nice yellow to ugly in seconds is that yellow is very prone to looking blah when shaded with most colours, because most colours dirty a golden yellow like this...so what you do after, is you take an orangey colour, like bestial brown, maybe with a bit of yellow added, like a TINY bit...and you glaze it on in transition areas...so areas that go from the main yellow colour to the greenish(or whatever) shadowy colour


usually you want this colour to be more saturated, because this is the colour you are trying to use to bring back life and shape to the piece....i tend to go soft with this colour, especially when i photoshop because its done quickly, so intensity of this tone is all up to you and your playing around


without that colour this cape looked hideous, but its helped transition because orangey colours are a darker yellow but still bright and often saturated, so its a good transition to a darker less rich bland colour like the green...you can then build up the green and some reds in the darker shadows to create depth of folds...you want to define the shape of the folds so your shadows and colours should follow the contour of the fold, and not just be blocks or lines


the important part of light and shadow is to VARY intensities so as they are not the same darkness or lightness the entire highlight or shadow


i post this as a link so it doesnt detract from your work and so that you and others have a choice to look at it or not!





good luck! have faith!~



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Thanks for your comments Starks. I'm actually really greatful because having seen your photoshopped back view, I'd be a fool not to try to sort out the cloak, there really is no comparison. You're right of course I should be pushing myself harder if I want to win. I also agree with the armour needing another highlight, it had been niggling me for a we while now that it didn't quite look right. I'm gonna spend the next few days working on this mini when I can so hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to post photos of a more natural yellow, and better highlighted red :tu:


Thanks again



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Evening Brothers. I've tried to tone down the cloak a little, and following Starks333's advice I've tried to make the shading a little more realistic as well. I'm not sure if I've succeeded in this, but I'm hoping I have.





I know that the shading glazes and washes haven't taken to the very botom corners of the cloak properly, I'll have to get them tomorrow night.


I'm going to rework the red on the armour and the banner once I figure out the best way to do it. I think I've got it, but I need a little more time to think it over to be sure. I've also sorted out the plasma coils on his pistol. I think they look a lot more 'realistic' now.


Anyway, please leave C&C if you have any





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its a very good start....dont feel bad most people when begining to learn to shade will usually go too dark at first


this is a normal progression, so what you can do now, is go back with a lighter shadow colour, basically your yellow with only a touch of green...and then glaze over parts of the shadows....this will soften them up, and also since you are only covering parts....it will create more of the depth of shade i mentioned, so that you dont have such even shading everywhere


now the tricky part is learning where to soften where to darken....with fabric the way it usually works, is the deeper, and/or harsher a fold, the darker the shadow, the more shallow/softer fold will have softer more gradual shading


also you are experiencing that muddying effect i mentioned, its hard to shade yellow without creating this, regardless of colour you use, so you need to glaze in spots, some of that orangey golden colour i mentioned, to bring out of the yellows richness again


keep playing around with it, thin the paint more or use less drastic changes in colour/shadow, dont forget to highlight as well(all you can add really is white) paying around cant hurt you if you are patient and persistent....when blending cross strokes to cancel out transition lines for smoother blending as well


its going well!



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Thanks for the tips Alex. I've got some more photos tonight. I've tried to glaze the ares on the shading of the cloak and I've begun to rework the red on both the banner and his armour. I'm trying to highlight everything more naturally now, so it's taking a little longer, but I hope the end result will be more than worht the effort :).


Note: the captain is only temporarily missing his head, I've removed it so I don't get any red paint on it, cause I'll be damned if I'm painting him a new face!




I still need to darken the deepest folds of the cloak a little more I think and I'm going to be 'pinking' the armour up with the same kind of highlights as the banner, so more photos will follow soon :P. Then all I need to worry about is painting his chapter marking. I might, just might have to change his chapter if only to make it easier to do, but that'll be a worse case scenario only.


anyways, any c&c is appreciated,





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Comparing it to the photo Starks provided, I wouldn't worry about darkening the fold (but obvioulsy you may not be following the photo exactly). Perhaps try and smoothen some of the shading progression. Where there is a sharp fold or an overhang creating a shadow then there is an immediate colour-change. Towards the bottom, there is a nice progression from centre to right (as we look at it), but a much more obvious colour change from centre to left even though surface is a smooth fold. This is only how I look at it. I would never be able to achieve this sort of quality so feel free to completely ignore what I have to say.


Looking very nice!

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I'll reply to you all properly when I have more time. It's really late and I have to be up at quarter to five to go to work in the snow :(, so I'll just post my photos for now and be gone, but thanks for the comments :D. The re-work of the red is complete, and to be honest I'm very very glad I went back and did it. I think it was well worth the effort. Still some highlights to do, and I need to try and think of something to call him that will fit neatly onto the scroll on his bannerpole. Then of course I need to base him.....








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I'm mildly more awake now, so I thought I'd reply properly to all your posts, thanks for all the feedback Brothers, it really is appreciated :D


@ sgtNACHO: thankyou brother, and I wish you the same if you are entering the competition :)


@ Brother Duncs: thanks mate, the purple seals were kind of done in desperation, as I didn't want red because it wouldn't stand out, and I didn't want green or blue because they were alreay featured on the mini. I think I've now come up with an easily achieveable, but suitably cool chapter marking for his shoulder plate and banner as I'm starting to think of him less as an Exorcist and more 'that red armoured captain'.


@ Brother Loring: thanks Brother. I'm going to go back to the cloak again shortly and try out the green/yellow shade that Starks333 suggested, hopefully that will ease some of the transitions between the shadows and lighter areas :).


@ Hubernator: Thankyou, but I wouldn't say you've lost before the competition's even begun. I think when it comes down to it we all stand a chance of winning.


@ blackbabyjesus: glad you like it, it was a bit fiddly, and at times I came scarily close to slipping while repainting the red after painting everthing else, but I guess my hands can be steady when they really need to be :)


@ commander alexander: thanks commander, glad you like him.



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still showing fear of going brighter, dont worry its normal!


here are some links to show how red looks with brighter highlights...you just need to keep placement right and the red looks fine


the head, and other parts also need more highlighting






this fig has seen big improvements already, keep er going :lol:




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I love this post, you keep posting amazing work, Starks333 posts, you rework it, post improved results, Starks333 calls you chicken, you post even more impressive shots and Starks333 throws down links to some of the best red I have ever seen. Hope you keep improving, hope Starks333 keeps posting and I hope you win this thing. I'm really entertained at the very least.
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@ smallvictory: well I can't very well back down now :D I'm just gonna keep pushing and pushing. This is already the best mini I've every painted I think, and I'm hoping that by the time I'm finished it'll represent the new peak of my abilities. More photos will be up in a few days time of the latest work.


@ Hubernator: I'm not gonna refuse the compliment, so thank you, I'll keep up the work. But I still think anyone could win :D.


@ Starks333: when you throw down a challenge like that, I don't have much choice but to step up to the mark ;), so over the next few days I'll keep working on the red. I'm guessing that apart from the head, the back pack, metallics, plasma gun, infact pretty much everything needs to be re-highlighted now. I'll get to work on that lot as well then :D



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Double post I'm afraid, but I do have some new photos of the latest work. Re-highlighting of everything else will start in earnest after christmas, but in the mean time here's the red now finished (I hope...)





Happy now Alex ^_^?


Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all have a good one





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