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Crossbonesx11's Marine/Competition WIP (Pic Heavyish)


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Alright, well I have been back in the hobby for about a month now (after a 5 year hiatus). When I came back I said noooooo power armor. So I started with an Elysian/Cadian combined army (found here http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/260340.page if you are interested) and the fluff has expanded from there to add Raven Guard to it. Essentially it is a very specialized strike force (iSOAR - Imperial Strike Operatives Airborne Regiment) that focuses on urban combat (in this case taking a city as quickly and with as little collateral damage as you can, then being able to hold until an occupying force can, well, occupy) and terrorism (including counter-terrorism) led by an Imperial Tactician. All of my armies are heavily kit bashed, some to the point where I can only buy by the bits and I tend to have to buy what I can when I can. So after wanting to add to RG my iSOAR, I saw where B&C is having the Golden Bolter competition (and I have never participated in anything like that) so I decided to jump on it. I went to my local 40k supplier (little over an hour away :) ) last night and picked up these:




Now I have ideas for around 6-8 small (5ish man) squads: iSOAR RG, Raptors, my own chapter Storm Ravens (more on them in a bit), Iron Hands and Crimson Fists (last resort). Yeah I know that is 3 RG armies, I hear enough about it already (there will be another one at the end :) ). Seeing as how I like a particular feel to my squads I use multiples of the same part and that is making a very slow process to get my guys together. First I will show you a protoype for my iSOAR RG. They will have mk6 assault legs instead and a jump pack. They will have a power maul (thunder hammer) and tactical shield (storm shield) in the other hand (pic to follow) to represent the riot squad feel.






The only other thing I could make right now was a Storm Ravens guy. Their deal is they are a more primitive version of the RG. Visually that is a mix of RG and SWs. I am a huge fan of Nordic religion and I am having the theme for the army be thunder and lightning (Thor and Odin). I am trying to decide if I want to call them "Odiin's Ravens" (planning on their planet being called Odiin) instead of Storm Ravens. Well without further ado this is my first Storm Raven (just playing with the scheme I still need to clean alot of stuff up and finish highlighting).
















I went with pose for a couple a different reasons: 1) I liked to think he is calling down lightning or something cool like that 2) You catch it at the right angle and it has a very "bird opening its wings" look 3) It is very reminiscent of my old RG Captain from early 3rd edition (which had a pair of lightning claws, which I am convinced GW stole off me for Shrike ;) ) I was going for a lightning or lighting up look for the eyes and the runes (first try at anything like that so let me know what you think). I will be trying to convert any wolf skulls to look like bird skulls any time it will come up.


I have something very special planned for the Raptors, but I will not divulge anymore on that until I get the bits and get some pics up. The Iron Hands will be a very basic kit bashing using ther IH parts and all mk8 torsos. The Crimson Fists will lay and wait t be assembled out of anything that is left over from the rest of the guys.


Also here is the test figure of the other RG army I am working (that I mentioned up there).




It is being started with this and planning on doing a super retro theme (to me means, 2 tone bases with now flock, and very simple color schemes but still crisp and all original parts).




Well I hope this has not been to narrative for the start of a WIP thread (did not have enough to show so I had to make up with words, but still wanted to show what I had) and I am very excited about getting this off the ground and running. I want any questions, comments, ideas and opinions. Anything to help me learn or give me fresh ideas. I really hope you enjoyed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a test scheme for my Crimson Fist. I loved it at first but the more and more I look at it, it looks pink and purple. What do you guys think?





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