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Word bearers of Blood


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very good for your first army, if i showed you a marine from my first army you would laugh.



i would give one bit of advise, wash your metalics... just water down some chaos black and brush it onto the metallic, it seeps into gaps and gives a good shaded look, if you want i can PM you an example.


good luck with the rest of your force :)

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Looking very good, I can certainly say that minis from my first army looked far worse than this. My main comment is to be really really careful with your brush strokes. It looks like you've glooped the paint on which is a shame, as you clearly have talent. Just be sensitive, pick out details and work in neat highlights. Try to use the finest (thinnest) brush you have available.
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Very cool mate, and great first time free hand!!!


Heres a little tip for when you try more washes etc.


You can always add more, but you can't take it away:


So, to avoid pooling, drying streaks etc. and for a 'smooth' finish what you can try is:


Doing a 50/50 mix of chestnut ink (or try the new foundation inks they rock!!) with just a drip of washing up liquid, mix gently, but thorughly (not to cause a froth). Now if you apply this, the washing up liquid will increase the carrying capacity of the liquid (preventing rings etc) and also increase surface tension (preventing pooling/streaks etc). Believe me when i was starting out (a long time ago with humbrol paints, pen ink and wood stain!!) I wish i had known this!


I personally use Klear floor polish, i've had a bottle for nearly three years now and havent used a quarter of it! it has an even better effect :D


Anyway, keep up the great work! they look very original, and great for your first start! Also, when you come to base them, they will look really completed, and stand out.

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They are nice, especially the second one. :)


The best tip I can give you is to go back and tidy up any mistakes you made. Ex. you seem to have gotten some red on your metal areas. It's quite easy to fix and it would make a lot of difference to your final result.

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yeah... you should have seen my first minis... they were painted with some paints that came with a paint-by-number i had.... :P


im quite poor at painting so my minis always come out rubbish at the first attempt and i always get paint on area already painted. i know how easy it is to give up when you've spent an hour on a mini and then get the smallest paint on the wrong area, you just think "meh... its tiny!"


just always make sure you touch up!


great work dude!

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Very cool mate, and great first time free hand!!!


Heres a little tip for when you try more washes etc.


You can always add more, but you can't take it away:


So, to avoid pooling, drying streaks etc. and for a 'smooth' finish what you can try is:


Doing a 50/50 mix of chestnut ink (or try the new foundation inks they rock!!) with just a drip of washing up liquid, mix gently, but thorughly (not to cause a froth). Now if you apply this, the washing up liquid will increase the carrying capacity of the liquid (preventing rings etc) and also increase surface tension (preventing pooling/streaks etc). Believe me when i was starting out (a long time ago with humbrol paints, pen ink and wood stain!!) I wish i had known this!


I personally use Klear floor polish, i've had a bottle for nearly three years now and havent used a quarter of it! it has an even better effect ;)


Anyway, keep up the great work! they look very original, and great for your first start! Also, when you come to base them, they will look really completed, and stand out.


does pen ink actually work at all? (i have pens in literally every colour of the rainbow, and then some.)

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