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2nd Company Finished


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So it all started with me buying Space Hulk. Hmm nice minis. Wonder what chapter they are I asked myself. Oh Blood Angels, I wonder if I could fit these termis into an army.


And so was born my Blood Angels 2nd Company. I have reached that point in my life where I can afford to indulge a little with my 40k hobby, so I tend to buy whole armies now, yet try for the most cost effective method. I had just finished a Tau army that I bought piecemeal 2nd hand over the internet on various sites. Whilst I ended up with the army I wanted this was a little frustrating as it took a number of months to assemble it and I must admit some of the 2nd hand models weren't of fantastic quality. So this time I bought only new minis.


I wanted to build a company as this is the core unit of space marines and will allow me to field any kind of army list along with the occasional Apoc list. I think I have lucked in with the Blood Angels as they are due for a Codex early 2010, but I also like the fluff and unique units that this chapter has to offer. Particularly Death Company and the Baal predator (I've been playing dakka preds in my Chaos Marine army for some time now)


I went with the Second Company for a number of reasons. As a Battle Company it has all the key units: Tactical, Assault and Devastator, along with enough add-ons to be effective. Admittedly I went Second Company because the Space Marine transfer sheet makes it easier due to the single yellow tear drop that marks the right shoulder of this company. I may or may not make it all the way through the Company as 8-10 Rhinos start to become a little extravagant and my wife starts to ask questions as brown boxes continually arrive on our door step.


My buying list so far

(Various combo box sets along with single buys and some swaps)


1 Company Commander ( I actually have 2 but 1 will be on foot the other with jump pack)

1 Command Squad

1 Terminator Librarian


2 Assault Squads (1 will be modeled as VAS)

4 Tactical Squads

2 Devastator Squads (currently only 2 lots of 3 heavy weapons)


1 Death Company -11 models (I'll magnetize their backs so I can go on foot or jump pack)


4 Rhinos

1 Razorback


1 Whirlwind

1 Vindicator

1 Predator (to be Baal using Tau vehicle burst cannons)

1 Landraider

3 dreadnoughts (got to love the vast amount of cheap AoBR dreads)


20 terminators (Space Hulk and a bunch of AoBR freebies)

1 Scout Squad


So anyway here starts my project log with the goal of being ready when the codex is published in April/May

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@ Metch - I'm going to hold off on the special characters until the codex. No use putting effort into old models and such. I agree that I will need a chaplain, I've been looking at various models but once more I think I'll wait until codex release to see what happens model wise.


@ Drathmere - Isn't everything ;) . Why pay for one item when you can pay twice the amount for two? Paraphrasing Contact the movie


Edit: To clarify the above list is what i already have sitting in boxes ready to go.

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So here are my first test colours. I've gone for a black spray undercoat then a second red spray undercoat then heaps of layers dry brushed on with a red wash. I wanted to go for a much darker look but after highlighting with yellow they still came out fairly bright red.


I don't want to continue too far without checking on peoples thought s about the colour.


These are test paints and not finished jobs





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If you want the Red to be a heap darker, instead of the red wash, you could try a brown wash instead.

Alternatively, you could drybrush the red straight over the black, skipping the red undercoat.


They don't look too bad to me.


Maybe try using some orange to highlight with instead of the yellow?

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I did actually mix the yellow with a number of different reds so I guess I got orange any how. All very scientific I know. But I'm using blood red from 3 different eras, I still have a pot from the early 90s one from the the turn of the century and one from this year. The yellow I'm using is an early 90's sunburst yellow that I never used up as it sucked so much to use as an actual colour.
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I'd say the yellowy-orange is okay colourwise, but it should be kept to a minimum - thin lines on the very edge of plates etc rather than thick brushstrokes.


One note: the test sergeant has black pads & black trims, fluffwise sergeant status is actually denoted by inverting the pad & trim colour so it should be red trims if the rest of the squad have black.

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What are you going to do if the Blood Angels get new plastics, a la the Space Wolves, when the new codex is released? I'm holding off on doing any work on mine in anticipation of new kits...


Your red looks really good.

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I'm not too worried about getting new plastics when the codex is released, therefore I'm still painting my 5th Co.

What I will do with any new upgrade sprues is to use the parts to better demarcate Sergeants and Veteran troops from their less-experience battle brethren. ;)


If everyone was super-worried about waiting for any 'new' models for something, no-one would ever have a painted army. :o

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I'm not too worried about getting new plastics when the codex is released, therefore I'm still painting my 5th Co.

What I will do with any new upgrade sprues is to use the parts to better demarcate Sergeants and Veteran troops from their less-experience battle brethren. B)


If everyone was super-worried about waiting for any 'new' models for something, no-one would ever have a painted army. ^_^



I have to agree. I did think about it for a while but the as you say it would be another 6 months before I could use my army. I figure I can pries off shoulder pads and add badges along with bolt guns. I already have a bunch of forge world doors for the rhino and the landraider.

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Test Dread


This is one of the first vehicles I've done. I think I'll go for a darker red on my vehicles so that there is a contrast of colour on the table top. I could probably highlight this better but any thoughts? I banged this up in about 15 minutes but I have another two that I'd like to convert with different weapons. As always these early models are a bit of a test for colours. These only cost about $10-$15aus at the moment so I can always get some more.







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So I have finished my first Tactical Squad with Rhino.

I've decided from a fluff kind of perspective that every marine that is carrying some kind of special weapon eg flamer, plasma pistol will have some form of Mk6 armour ie shoulder pas/helmet. I've started on my first assault squad now. They'll be carrying plasma pistols with the squad after carrying flamers. I'd like to try and model the assault sarg with the ability to swap guns as I reckon we'll get stuff like combi-weapons in the new codex.







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The models all look good together as a unit. Have you thought about using dwarf flesh as a highlight for your red? It will make the red look less orange so to speak. If you wash your models before you prime them and don't touch them while you are painting them the paint will stick to the model easier. I noticed on the back packs that you are getting that "oil ridge". It is from either touching the model or the junk they use in the molding process. It happens often on shoulderpads and backpacks. Good luck with your army you have a good start to it already!


Obey the Emperor.

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One thing I'd suggest is using a black wash on the wings on your Dreadnoghts's sarcophagus and shoulder, and on the Blood Angel symbol on the front of you Rhino, and then going over the raised detail with white again--that will bring out the detail in the wings.
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@Seva - Thanks for the tip around washing the models, I'll try that on my next lot after my 1st assault squad (too late already primed them), I'll also give your idea of Dwarf Flesh a go too.


@ Brother Jim - Cheers for the advice, I've got some old Chestnut ink, I've given this a try and got a heaps better result.


I've put the chestnut ink across the whole lot and gotten the darker look I'm after. I had washed them with Ogryn Flesh wash but hadn't gotten great results. I've got some Gryphonne Sepia wash left over from my Tau, I could give this a try.

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I think you will be really happy with Gryphonne Sepia. It is a great product that you can use on so many things. This might sound crazy but the purple wash is a good starting point for red if you water it down a bit. IF you have a test model or are so inclined, try the purple first, then hit it with about 4 or 5 washes of sepia and then use Devlan Mud in the darkest spots of the model. I think you will be pleased. Good luck and keep up the good work!


Obey the Emperor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have my first five Assault Marines to table top quality. At this rate it'll take until 6th ed to finish my company but I'll keep plugging away. I used Vomit Brown for their helmets with a little sunburst yellow to try and highlight. This squad also has a lot more chestnut ink used as a wash as well. I think they look a little lighter but I think that's a trick of the light caused by the yellow helmets. They will form half of Squad 7 of the 2nd Company.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for an update


I've got my first Assault squad finished with pics to come. Also got my Baal to table top level. I thought I'd put what I've done into perspective by laying out the whole company that I've collected.

So far I have:

Company Commander

Command squad

2 Assault Squads - 1 finished

4 Tactical squads with rhinos - 1 finished

2 Devastator squads with rhinos - 0 finished

Plus heaps of support elements with 1 dreadnought finished





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  • 1 month later...

I've just completed my first Devastator Squad. I wanted to be able to incorporate the heavy weapon guys into my Tactical Squads so I made their heads magnetised. This allows me to move from the blue heads of Devastator Squad to the red heads of Tactical Squads.


I wend for the Plasma Cannons and Lascannons for this first squad so that I can lay down some very heavy firepower early. I recon I'm do this head thing for all of my heavy weapon carriers from now on.






And to show you how the magnetised heads work.




Blue Head



Red Head


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I swear you can't see them until you put a high powered camera 5cm away from them. I am happy to scrape, scrape, scrape.


heheh yeah I know how you feel! I always think I've got them all, then on goes some paint and bam! there they are! If there's ONE thing I would ask GW to do, it's improve that!

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