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2nd Company Finished


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Good luck with that one, my advice is not to put a time line on it. Or maybe get each one of your friends to paint a squad each from AoBR. GW shops in England did this in the mid nineties and built the Ultramarine Chapter.
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A lot of the darker/lighter colour comes from the photographic conditions. Light makes a big difference when taking photos. However I have started to use a bit of chestnut ink for the later squads so I'll go back and do the earlier tac squad.


Cheers for the feedback

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  • 2 months later...

I stopped painting just before the codex but here is what I have finished just before March. I now have half of my company done anf have purchased 2 DC boxes and 1 SG box for all of my upgrades. 1 DC box easily allows me to upgrade 10 RAS and 10 Tac with some bits left over for some of my Dev models. I'll combine enough to make an HG squad as well. The SG box will go into company characters. I think I can get 2 special characters out of the box as well.





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  • 10 months later...

So it's been a while. I've moved on painting wise since this photo but we're in the middle of a house move so I haven't had a chance to update. This was the whole 2nd company before deployment into a 10k apoc battle (which they won, killed a chaos warhound titan up close and personal, An'ggrath the Unbound was a little scary though).


What you can see are:

1 captain on foot

1 honourguard with jump packs

1 lib with jp

1 rec with jp

1 priest with jp



4 tac squads with rhinos

4 ass squads all jump pack

2 dev squads with razorbacks


1 death company squad with rhino

2 baal

1 pred

1 vind

1 whirlwind

1 landraider

3 dreads





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  • 1 month later...

So it's all done, 18 months after I started I have the whole company finished.


Mind you I have 2 stormravens in the post and a scratch build thunderhawk similar to this one Linky underway. I have some support elements like scouts, temies and bikes to finish off but they can wait.


The 2nd Company will be in battle on the 2nd of May in a 10k apoc game against Chaos Marines and Traitor Guard which I hope to provide a video battle report of. The 2nd Company will be supported by The Death Wing.


See if you can spot the cardboard tank, 1 internets for the winner


Whole 2nd Company



From the right






The Tactical Squads



The Assault Squads


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Your army is looking top notch bro, well done.

I'm currently building a 4th battle company (just painted my first green blood drop on a left shoulder pad)

It's amazing to see how much your battle company has came on, it's beautiful, can't wait to get to where you are in terms of having all of those models finished!

I've been painting 40k models since around 1990 too, seen alot in my time, haha.

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