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Hi all.


Lacking the conviction to start a pre-heresy army (or decide which one to use) I had the idea to use one marine from each pre-heresy traitor legion as a member of a counts as legion of the damned squad. This would allow me to paint one of each colur scheme and to model some older armour without having to do a whole army. They're very WIP at the moment so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to spice them up and make them appear specific to their legion: Left to right:


Night lord - modified Mk6, will probably have a CCW

Luna wolf - Mk4

Iron warrior - Mk3 - greenstuff nees sculpting still, will have 2nd ed lascannon

Thousand son - Mk6, will either have a scimitar or force rod and a bolter

Word bearer - Mk5 - carries book of lorgar and will have tatooed scalp

Son of Horus - Mk4

Alpha legion - Mk6

World eater - Mk5 - needs a RH chainaxe if anyone has a spare

Death guard - Mk3/4

Emperors childern - Mk6 and sergeant


Comment, crits and suggestions most welcome. Sorry the pics are not very good atthis stage but they're still WIP.




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Night lord - modified Mk6, will probably have a CCW

Luna wolf - Mk4

Iron warrior - Mk3 - greenstuff nees sculpting still, will have 2nd ed lascannon

Thousand son - Mk6, will either have a scimitar or force rod and a bolter

Word bearer - Mk5 - carries book of lorgar and will have tatooed scalp

Son of Horus - Mk4

Alpha legion - Mk6

World eater - Mk5 - needs a RH chainaxe if anyone has a spare

Death guard - Mk3/4

Emperors childern - Mk6 and sergeant


Nice idea, but my only gripe is is that the Luna Wolves and the Sons of Horus are the same thing... Is this intentional?



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Night lord - modified Mk6, will probably have a CCW

Luna wolf - Mk4

Iron warrior - Mk3 - greenstuff nees sculpting still, will have 2nd ed lascannon

Thousand son - Mk6, will either have a scimitar or force rod and a bolter

Word bearer - Mk5 - carries book of lorgar and will have tatooed scalp

Son of Horus - Mk4

Alpha legion - Mk6

World eater - Mk5 - needs a RH chainaxe if anyone has a spare

Death guard - Mk3/4

Emperors childern - Mk6 and sergeant


Nice idea, but my only gripe is is that the Luna Wolves and the Sons of Horus are the same thing... Is this intentional?






Thanks for the reply. Yes, it was intentional as I wanted to round the squad up to 10 and there are only nine traitor legions. I figured the sons of Horus were the most popular of the alternative names and color schemes and so I'd go for them. Cheers.

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That's an awesome idea! Might have to pinch it, would go well with a deathwatch squad, have all first founging models in one army!

Can I make a suggestion though, swap out the son's of horus, or lunar wolf, and have a second thousand son, one could be a sorceror, and the other a 'standard' rubric one, doesn't like the idea of being a ghost, keps some sense of self and is out for payback? Lol

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Looking good so far. I agree on the terms of the Luna Wolf and Son of Horus-who's to say they are not just from different times in the legions history, say one from the start of the crusade and one from the Istvaan Masacre. My one problem is that (as I assume these legion members are those loyalists that were betrayed by their heretic brothers and have come back to help the loyalists in the fight against chaos) didn't the entire Word Bearer Legion turn to Chaos, not just a part like with the other Legions. If I am correct in both these theories then it would seem to me pretty pointless to have a 'loyalist' Word Bearer as a Legion of the Damned member coming back to help the loyalists in the fight against chaos. Maybe go with another Thousand Son like Brother Martemis suggested.

But hey, these are just my ideas not orders, it's a brilliant idea you have anyway! ;)

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I'm not too sure about the luna wolves/sons of horus thing either. I prefer it to the thousand son idea though. Mainly because I abhor the witch but also because thousand sons weren't as pretty pre-heresy. Pre-heresy colour scheme was just red with a little bit of egyptian influence. The cover of the to be released thousand sons book shows them nicely. Very pretty IMO, but not as 'stand-out' as the rubrics. Why would you want a rubric (some dust and a soul (that feels betrayed) in power armour) anyway. How about adding a dark angel or perhaps something a bit different like a tech priest?????


Do like the idea overall.

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Thanks forthe input folks - it's made me think harder about the origin story for these guys.


I'm thinking now that they should be more an embodiment/manifestation of the honour of the legion as it used to be rather than individual loyal warriors. Kind of how the LotD fluff speculates how they could be either fire hawks (?) lost to the wwarp and reborn OR an extension of the emperors divine will. I'm thinking that having them as eternal warriors fighting to reclaim the lost honour of their legions is quite a nice concept, although I'm still unsure about the 10th member. I think I'll default to the Son of Horus still as it seems the best of a bad bunch of alternatives.


Have made some progress and they all have backpacks/armsnow. Will hopefully post some pics of them next week once I've converted the weapons.

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