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Power weapon and Melta-Bombs. You save 5 points, keep your initiative have one more dice on your side and can kill a vehicle more easily. If you are throwing your Sergeants into a situation that needs a PF then you are throwing away your squad.


Although I can understand "JIC", I'd rather keep my initiative. Your opponent will not get an armor save either way. The trick is if you feel hitting on a 2+ (about 99% of the time) and striking last (about 99.5% of the time) is worth 5 points. To me, it's not.


And what does your power weapon/meltabombs Sergeant do against walkers, monstrous creatures, and things with T5 or higher? Squat, that's what.


Meltabombs can be used against Walkers. Just need a 6 to hit. Long odds, but doable.

5s to wound T5, and 6s for T6+.


Not exactly "squat."


Folks who don't buy into the powerfist spam tend to know that a S4 power weapon won't hurt those things, and avoid them, or have somethign else in their lists deal with them in another way.

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In most 1500 pt games, I run 3 tac squads. 2 of the Sergeant will have PF, the other Plas Pistol and Chainsword. The squad with the PP and Chain Sword have a Plasma Gun and Plasma Cannon. I usually keep the Plasma squad back, and move my other two more rapidly.


I like to support my tac squads with a Heavy Bolter Dev squad (in cover).

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