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My Wolf Lord in Term. Armor


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Used to play years ago, getting back into it with the new codex. My thinking is that Terminators should be quite a bit larger than a normal marine. Wolf Lords should be the largest, most bad-ass warrior in the group (alpha male). I'll admit he is a little larger than I may like (almost as big as a dread) but I wanted to go all out. Let me know what you think, He's still very WIP, I'm only 2 days into it. Sorry for the crappy pics.


The fig.





Some detail.




With a standard marine and one of my home made termies.


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Alright, so I decided that for all the work Im putting into him I want to use the model in game, rather than a mostly show pice. So I took some height off of him and brought him down more towards the level of my regular termies. This makes him look beefier overall. Might take some more off but Im not sure.

The inspiration for the pose is originally from the new SW codex cover.



Another detail shot...


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I think I can see where the problems with proportions are stemming from. The feet. I understand it's still very WIP, but the feet are tiny for a figure that huge. Once you fix that, he'll look better. Also I think the pose makes him seem short in the legs, when it's because he's leaning forward so much... At least that's what it looks like. Once you've fleshed him out more, and gotten a few more snaps from different angles I'll have more to say. Keep it up! He looks the way a WL should!



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Quick update...started GSing the legs. It's pretty rough because I've never done it before. Bad pics again but Im in a hurry.



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Apart from being a rather busy kitbash, i think you've done very well so far. But those legs just aren't right. Now i know marines aren't exactly the most anatomically correct beings (by GW model standards) but yours do need a fair amount of work to look right. I know you can't see the crotch area on the compiled model but the gap between the legs is too large, and consequently the angles don't look natural even with the wolf pelt in the way. Might i suggest narrowing his pelvis and then bulking out the grieves to get the visual balance right and i think your model will be on the right path.



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I think it looks good except for the torso/head piece being much to busy and too big for the head. rather, the head it too low of the model and to small. but the concept is very nice. the model seems a bit busy. also, the flamer-melta thing hanging off of the torso makes him seem like he is a techmarine.
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