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Ironfather0 Iron hand blog!


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Well my digital camera came in the mail today and finally i can start a blog about my iron hands project i'm working on, its going to be a bit slow at first but in the next couple weeks i'll be picking up miniatures to add to my force. Now i've always had an iron hands force however i am starting over as i was unhappy with my old paint job. so please let the comments and criticism fly!


My first marine


front shot



side shot







I had a couple robed marines lying around so i decided to make a couple of sergeants and they are wearing them because they're under the apprenticeship of the adeptus mechanicus trainting to become an ironfather or what not.


Front shot



Side shot


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I like your red robe fluff, and your initial marine.


three things I noticed.


1. Your clan marking/chapter badge could use some black paint to sharpen the white symbol up a bit.


2. Mold lines on the bolter and helmet!


3. It looks like your bolter has way too much mithril gobbed onto it. The rest of your metals look good except for the upper casing on the bolter.


Good subtle highlights on the black too. Keep it up

Nice idea in using the robed Marine body with AM-theme.


It looks like the Clan markings are giving you a bit of trouble.


You might want to invest some decal paper/etc and use the Bell of Lost Souls templates. I think it wikk save you a lot of headache in the long run.


Why is only one hand metallic?

nurgle puss:The back pack junction on the first marine has been fixed with a back pack and will be posted later with my other marine, it was there afer i stripped the marine. My newwer models when i buy them won't look like that.


Bannus: You are probably right about finding the decal paper,any ideas as where to i could find some? and only one hand is metalic because they only lose their left one upon initiation, however some of my guys will have both done in silver.

Today was kinda a slow day i was preparing my old models to be sold on ebay, which takes a lot more work than i had hoped, nonetheless i got an update for you guys:


My initial marine with a back back now:





Back pack:



RObed marine with weaons now:







I think you are going to have to use some IH bitz to give him more of of an AdMech feel - he is starting to look more and more like an Angel of Absolution (IIRC, they are the 'black' DA successor).


Maybe give him a power axe instead of a powr sword?


Otherwise, looking good.

hmmm, good point. i'll have to look in my bits to see if i can find one. I didn't get a picture of it but on his left side he is wearing the iron hand should pad, any suggestions as to what to add to the banner. that could also help show that he's an iron hands and not a angel of absolution.

and the robed marine is finished! I was unable to find an axe so for now until i bitz order one the sword will have to do. Any ideas what i should do for the banner?







I am liking it so far. Slowly working on an entirely kitbashed/bitted IH army and it is good to see some others out there. For ccws, go for: thunder hammers, powerfists or axes of the half cog design on the 3rd edition techmarines. Start throwing in some bionics when you can!

as soon as my camera finishes charghing i will have a pic of another marine with an altered paint scheme which will probably be the final paint scheme for my army and then i'll have a scout in progress, i'll be having lots of stuff coming up within the next month or so since this sememester of school is almost done! YAY! :D


Ok well here's my iron hands altered paint scheme:




scout in progress





Alright here is my rocekt launcher marine i've been working on:











Scout body:






Need to keep an eye on those mold lines - the one on the reloader arm is pretty bad. It can detract from an otherwise outstanding paintjob.


You might want to tone down the red a bit - maybe make it more of a Red Gore color than a bright red. I think that will fit in a bit better.


Other than that - keep up the good work.

  • 2 months later...

Well 3 months later and 3 of my tactical squads are done, i know its been awhile since i posted on this topic but here is my first tactical squad. hopefully i'll have time to post the other two later.




















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