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Peers' WIP's


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Hey everyone , I have been lurking on these forums for a long time, Since before I used to paint miniatures and even after I packed it in a few years ago until now. I have always found the B+C to be a place of inspiration for me and I have learnt much to further my painting skill and knowledge of the 40k universe.


Anyhow I recently noticed the Golden Bolters being advertised on the sites banner, it inspired me to have a go and see what I could do painting wise after a few years not touching a paint brush, and it would also be an oppertunity to try out all of the fancy techniques I had read about. Since being a member of the board was all that's required to enter, I thought that it would be a bit cheeky to do so with sutch a low contribution to the forum ^^ . So a new thread was in order, hopefully I will be able to pick up tips and critique in the process :P


So onto some pic's , so far I have done the Face and neck area. Im pretty happy with it, although the NMM and the eye seem a bit off to me. I may switch to metallics what do you think so far ?








( think I need another light source for photo's also, lots of shadows :( hope to fix on next update! )


Thanks for looking



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Thanks for all of the kind words :) , I have been working on the torso tonight and think I have found a shade of blue that I like. As for the eye I think I will try a few glazes or dark brown over it then 're-highlight' the white areas hopefully that will define its shape a bit more (?). Should have more pictures in a few days :)





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Looking good so far, but I think the wounds look too fresh.


They are tyranid veterans, not was-just-recently-mauled-by-a-tyranid veterans. On top of that, the pupil of his eye is too small compared to how his face is. His brow is down, so less of the eye would be seen, thus the pupil and iris would take up more space in his eye. Only in anime would his eyes look like that.


Make an angry face at yourself in a mirror. You'll see what I'm talking about.

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As to the wound, being Tyranid veterans I reasoned that they would be called upon to fight Tyranids , and with the mid-battle pose I thought a fresh wound would fit.

I see what you're getting at, but my theory with them is that they've been fighting them for so long that they don't often get wounded by them. The wound almost seems "situational," if that makes sense. Either way, the head is a solid start for the model.


I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.

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  • 5 weeks later...

''more pictures in a few days..'' - one month later sigh :)


anyway i have been making very slow progress due to many distractions in the past month, i need to start painting alot more in the coming weeks. Heres where I'm up to:






The blue is pretty much final as i have messed around with it alot ^^ , however suggestions/comments on the NMM would be welcome :P


Thanks for looking



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Very nice! Sorry I don't have anything constructive, you'll have to rely on others for that!



Edit - I noticed one thing where I may be useful. The NMM on the lower part of the blade is highlighted down to the bottom of the blade, where the rest of the highlights seem no originate from above the right side of the model. Just a thought!

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  • 2 weeks later...

small update , legs and torso finished. may come back and dirty up the armour a bit once the rest is painted. kinda looks like a christmas tree at the moment with the different colour details, but hopefully a red bolter casing and red emblem on the right shoulder pad will balance things out. Also took Brother Loring's advise and lightened the side of the dagger , looks better I think (thanks! :) ).




comments and criticism very welcome






(ps. think my photo quality is getting steadily better also :) )

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Another small update , Blues mostly done (may highlight the right hand and forearm more), back shot included to show shadowed area.

( edit: doh! forgot about the backpack that's blue also :( :) )








Slowly looking more complete, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now :)


comments, tips and criticism welcome B)



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