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Peers' WIP's


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Have been painting some non-power armour stuff for a while, but recently re-started on the terminator chaplain I said that I would paint for a friend years ago.


Hes supposed to be a salamander, the green of the armour is the only finished part and while not the traditional bright green I think it looks pretty cool ? . rest of him has been blocked out so I can see how the balance of green will work over the entire miniature after all is done.






I'm intending to do some flame freehand growing up the shins and shoulderpads eventually.


Also getting close to finishing logan after completely restarting him, the scheme still really bores me however.




Would love to hear any comments , crits and advice





  • 3 months later...

Have been neglecting this thread because I have been painting some non power armour stuff and non GW stuff since the last post. However I decided to apply for the trainee painter job at GW so I needed some GW minis to show off ^^ , I decided to finish up Logan and paint up some of the non-PA things I mentioned above.




I also decided to start a small army a while back and got around to starting painting them a month or so ago , so far 2 squads done. not to a high standard ( as id never finish em :P ) but they look good enough for tabletop :D






2 more squads and 5 infantry models to go : / .. so at my rate ill be done in a year or so :P


as always any hints/tips/comments welcome





You're incredibly good at painting, it's crazy. The blue in the plasma weapons is especially cool. If I would comment on anything though, it would be Logan's eyes. They're just too big for his face. My friend always tells me, don't bother with the eyes unless you can make them tiiiiiny. Logan here looks like he's on some serious drugs lol fluesopp perhaps? I dunno if it matters to anyone else, but if you're applying for a painting job at GW, I imagine they want stuff to look pretty realistic.


And the back of the chaplain's right foot looks like it's got something covering a bit of the vent.

Good spot!


I agree on the eyes after you pointing it out :P , much easier to see when scaled up in size. However the pic doesnt show the iris* (blue) around the pupil very well, and makes it look like a big dot :P


I think just reducing the pupil/iris size (adding more to the white areas) may fix it ? and maybe reduce the overall height aswell.


as to the chaplain, my excuse is I didn't assemble him (painting for a friend), though I could take a hobby knife to that area as its not painted yet :D


Thanks for the constructive response Goose



Love the metallics, beautiful unit for not spending too much time on them. Your Logan is painted very well, my only critique is that his hair looks to be painted the exact same color as his armor wich makes it look very unnatural. I do dig what you have going on here, well done.
  • 3 weeks later...

just finished up the terminator chaplain ;) , was taking some pics to see if there are any obvious mistakes and I thought I should post one up here.




not 100% happy with the text, but it will do.


hopefully some better pics soon. Comments / tips / advice always welcome !



yeah I took it from him with the intention of painting it up for him around 3-4 years ago <_<, and having completely forgot about it I found it in a random box around the time I got back into painting with the ultramarine for the golden bolters. So you could say he's had to wait a while for it hehe !


also to add abit more to the thread, while i had my camera out i snapped a pic of my next marine project after finishing up the sanguinary guard, I picked him up for a decent price on ebay, but he was crusted in a few layers of paint, I stripped him down and repaired a few small bits and applied a light layer of primer a few weeks ago, this showed up loads of imperfections which need repairing but im gonna take my time with it and hopefully it will turn out good :) anyhow heres a pic :






ps: i know hes supposed to be an old ultra 1st company captain from years ago but cant remember his name, does any one here know? im thinking Invictus or somthing similar but no where near positive on that.

You do some magnificent work!


I particularly like the fella below, it's a good public service announcement for all Marines to remember to wear their helmets...



Finally finished him ;) , just need to find the best way of photographing him in the next few days before submitting ;)





(image taken with flash again .. its really dark here for 2pm o.O, hopefully in natural light and without flash the shinyness will be gone :) )


C+C welcome



  • 4 weeks later...

just finished off the rest of the 'troops' for the sanguinary guard army , just 3 priests, dante and sanguinor to go :)


as mentioned before, there painted to hopefully a highish tabletop standard as im keen to actually finish my first painted army .. of 25 models :S ( the model count is why i picked this list :(, not really interested in being competitive overly much )


anyhow heres some pics:










As always comments, tips ect always welcome





nope unfortunately not, was dissapointed not to get an interview as i had the previous time the position came up ;) , but ill keep trying to improve my technique and hopefully one day ill get another shot :P , deffinatly need to keep the motivation up to paint (and update this thread) more often tho ;)


Thanks for the compliments



A quick update today, thought i should start posting some wip pics again since this is the wip forum after all :), I started out on the priests and finished their red armour:




doesn't look amazing at the moment but with all of the details painted up the red should pop a bit more


Thanks for looking



  • 2 weeks later...


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