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Here's what I came up with:






Exorcists Deathwatch Sternguard.



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Ka-tet of the Ebon Dawn






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Khrangar - That is very cool. The true mk6 torso is my favorite (i am a total mk6 armor fiend), it is a shame it only comes on the old SW sprue. Have any more?


Rindaris - You have some very interesting conversions in there (like the eldar jetbikes) think you can give us some close ups on them and tell us a little about them?


Canardwc - Look good, what chapters are they?


Tahrikmili - Post them, but will need to see them painted! :)

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Well, the bikes started back many, many years ago. I was playing Starcraft and one day using Vultures I decided to see if I could convert SM bikes to look similar. I used to have a squad of regular ones, but savaged them for bits since I never used them. I don't use my attack bikes that often, but still quite like them.




Non-Deathwatch Non-attack bike versions




I'm tempted to do some heavy bolter attack bikes sometime though.



I like to be able to carry the majority of my army with me at once, but since I've gotten so many ideas and want most, if not all, the options available to me ready... space is an issue. So I opted to make all my non-predator rhino chassis capable of all rhino variants (rhino, whirlwind, razorback) and even capable of being fielded as vindicators.






The Vindicator obviously has had the strongest reaction. Whenever i've played it I've went ahead and kept it having a forward firing arc, just to keep people happy. Though i couldn't find anything in the codex preventing this conversion from being legal, nor did GW ever answer the two emails I sent them asking about it. No biggie really.



My Pedro.



More Ka-tet.



I'm really not a fan of the regular look of heavy bolters. So for my devastator marines with heavy bolters i wanted to do something different. I used termy assault cannon arms and removed the asscan portion. The added bit is actually just another version of an assault cannon, but its from a space crusade dreadnought. I think it makes them look ALOT more threatening.




Speaking of Space Crusade dreadnoughts, here are two completed. I have the body for a third, but am saving it in the vain hope that the DW will get its own codex someday and I might need it then.


Well, thats alot of it. But if you want to see everything, just follow my deviant art link in my signature.

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Here's what I came up with:






Exorcists Deathwatch Sternguard.




Good grief, I love the facial expression on this guy XD

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Here's what I came up with:






Exorcists Deathwatch Sternguard.




Good grief, I love the facial expression on this guy XD


Yea, I love the pose in general. It has a certain humor to it. He seems somewhat calm, like he's in close on the tank, probably behind it more or less out of harm's way, and is going to melt the crap out of it.

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Heres an ultramarines tyranid hunter seconded to the deathwatch i did a while a go. it was a bit of a rush job so sorry about that.






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Heres an ultramarines tyranid hunter seconded to the deathwatch i did a while a go. it was a bit of a rush job so sorry about that.







What type of wash is that on his metallic arm? Badab or just black ink? Also, you filed off the "I"symbol on his helmet yes?



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Yeah just badab.


Not quite right on the head though ;) Actually the head is plastic (possibly from an apothecary?). Well the whole model is actually. I didnt have time to order the plastic bits so just used the =][= shoulder pad (again from the command squad I think?) and freehanded the letters that should be around the =][=. The freehanding obviously isnt as good as the letters on the metal pad but the plastic one is that little bit bigger and again time was a deciding factor.

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In regard to the turret vindicator:


The codex SM says that the Vindi's gun is hull mounted which by the rules means a fixed 90 degree arc in the front. Mounting it in a turret would change its arc which would explain their discomfort. Counts as or not it's still a vindicator.

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In regard to the turret vindicator:


The codex SM says that the Vindi's gun is hull mounted which by the rules means a fixed 90 degree arc in the front. Mounting it in a turret would change its arc which would explain their discomfort. Counts as or not it's still a vindicator.

Nay. There is no mention of rules regarding how the Demolisher Cannon is mounted.

Technically there's nothing making turret mounting it illegal. :D

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