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Modelling options for Exorcists?

rat of vengence

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Hey all, I am building my SoB force, and am wondering if anyone has come up with a great way of modelling Exorcists. I have seen that Whirlwind missile 'pods' can be used with the normal heavy flamer turret, but those missile parts seem hard to get cheaply, and I don't need more rhinos!

What have you guys come up with? I am looking for both cool and cheap, so I have set the bar high for this one :sick:



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The Whirlwind exorcist is the cheapest and most straightforward, but unless you're running an arbites list, is rather dull and unsatisfactory. The organ pipe look is very cool, IMO. I would think it would be possible to build your own with styrene tubes and and then add odd bits to taste.

Regular model aircraft shops do upgrade kits; I bought the options kit for a current USAF plane, which had 30 odd different rockets etc, in pairs or quads, so that your original plane could be loaded with any of the current air-to-whatevers.

This kit has done all my HKs, DP whirlwinds, a few objective markers, plus all sorts.

Only cost about a fiver, too.

  silversmith82 said:
I still say the FW version of the Exorcist is pretty sweet. Unfortunately GW is not cheap and the =][= armies are the worst of the bunch being almost all metal.



odds are the FW version doesn't ship with bent pieces either. i LOVE how the base for my pipe organ is warped and doesn't actually fit over the plastic base...

Thanks for the replies all. I have seen this done with HK missiles, but it would be even boxier than the Whirlwind version, and that is not so much a look I am after. I may have to consider the styrene tube conversion, if nothing else it will get peoples attention.


Though just occured, maybe I should rig a MP3 player for it, play some of that heavy Bach organ material...


Da da da daaaaa, da da da DAHHHHHHHH etc




I just might do this. Press play the first time I fire it, and see the look on the opponents face...




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