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Soul Drinkers Standard bearer

True Thorn

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I seek inspiration and assistance From my PCA Brothers and Sisters, I am beginning a project and I am not sure where to begin.


All i know is I intend to produce a standard barer in Soul Drinkers colours for a friend with a custom banner.

I know its a tall order but any assistance you could give would be highly appreciated, I'm even in need of a Recipe for the purple, painting nothing but black and parchment leaves your colour repotior somewhat lacking.


I'm capable of basic conversion work, but my GS'ing leaves much to be desired so I'll likely stick to kit bashing.


A example of My own IH Banner Carrier: (Sorry about Phone Quality Photos)




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Soul Drinkers are very purple, so most likely Warlock or Liche Purple is your friend, mixed with Skull White in ever increasing amounts for successively bright highlights, as well as Leviathan Purple for a wash. Warlock is quite pinky-purple, while Liche is more blue-purple, so probably Warlock Purple as the base colour.
As mentioned the IH banner carrier is an example of past work, that I hope to do much better on this time. I have started leaning towards a Viva Metalica style with the purple, but Leviathan washes seem to be lacking something... Brightness perhaps ^^


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