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Mr. Fisty


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Ok, some background. The Imperial Thorns are basicaly a penal space marine chapter. Where other chapters send their more rogue members to serve in order to be redeemed.


Here is my favorite mini that I own, clearly based off the games day marine (forgot what year)








So, whatcha think? Personaly I think its awsome, but of course my opion is slightly biased lol

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I think it looks great and I love the idea of the Imperial Thorns (not to mention the pun of a name... A thorn in the side of the Imperium). Also, not sure if this is intentional, but the orange is reminiscent of the jump suits prisoners often where in U.S. prisons, so it's also kind of fitting. Maybe his one power fist should have a bar code or line of numbers to represent what "inmate" he is.
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Thanks for the idea of barcodes. The origanal Fluff we made (we being me and my younger brother) is where the chapter master and other higher ranking astartes were picked out of existing chapters/ specialy created/ whatever, and they are the moral guides to the chapter.


i like the barcode idea, and ill probably try to incorporate that into the regular "convicts"

another little tid bit of fluff, instead of sargents or chaplains, the Thorns have Exicutioners, I have one done (basicaly a chaplain with a long chain axe) and i'm looking foreward to creating more


any ideas for my penal chapter are greatly appreciated:)

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uhhh, Pingo, thats a good question lol.

you see.... both I and my brother are slightly colorblind, it might just be the picture. I didn't use any green when painting him, so I think its mostly the pic. but if it is actually green in real life, then ill invent some fluff to go with it. and yes, being colorblind really sucks when painting

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lol, dontcha love the name, Mr. Fisty. the guy that the arch enemy really doesnt want to be captured by... unless your some slannesh dude


anyway, I asked my dad when he came over, and apparently it does have a green/grey look to it, which still confuses the hell out of me. anyway, ill just make up some fluff about his skin instead of re-painting him. thanks for comments guys

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