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Master of the Forges


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Well, I have a Salamanders army, and I have the bad habbit of making alot more HQs then anyone would need for an army. Plus, another nasty habbit I have is modeling what looks good, not what is playable. (mostly because, despite 5-6 years of being in the hobby, I don't play, I only paint/ collect) Thats when I got the idea to make an assault cannon tech marine.


Here he is.





(btw, this model was my first attempt at using inks/ washes/ whatever the new ones are, and I have learned to love them)


To validate my use of an assault cannon, I just called it a "count as" conversion beamer, then I wanted to make one with an actual conversion beamer. and since I have no idea what one looks like, I winged it.








I basically used, terminator legs, 2 plasma cannons, assault cannon, and a jump pack. and as you can see, I'm not completely done painting him.

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I have the bad habbit of making alot more HQs then anyone would need for an army. Plus, another nasty habbit I have is modeling what looks good, not what is playable. (mostly because, despite 5-6 years of being in the hobby, I don't play, I only paint/ collect) not completely done painting him.



are we the same person? :)


i like it very nice, as already said the second beamer looks very coool, and the first has a very nice use of the captain legs

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Its difficult to comment on all aspects of the models since the photos are so zoomed out. It looks like all of your colors are lacking depth. Both the green and orange should be black-lined and highlighted.


On a side-note, now THAT is what a conversion beamer should look like.

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