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Sketching the Rock


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Looks pretty cool, though maybe you should change the thunderhawks to a strike cruiser, this could make it look more like a chunk of planet rather than an asteroid ;D



yeah i would agree with that, it would really enthisise the size of the thing.


make it biggish but make it look dwarfed by the rock



looks fantastic at the moment, the colours you picked are sublime.

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I agree that scaling is super important.

I'll be either shrinking the thunderhawk dots a little, or increasing their size to change to a strike cruiser, that's a really good idea.

there's a battle barge that's going to emerge from the lower dockyards, and i'll use that as reference when it's done.


here's a larger look:



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I think the thunderhawk dots are perfect. You can just about see them in enough detail to realise what they are and there is still loads of space in that docking enterance for something much larger to come out. If you start shrinking them much more, yes you'll make the rock look more massive, but I think it'll make the buildings look too large! The monastery is already probably 500 times larger than the thunderhawks if not a 1000 volume wise. I would put the larger battle barges entering/exiting the larger docking ports lower down!


Looking absoltely superb. I wouldn't sell it to GW, I think it looks to good!

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I think the thunderhawk dots are perfect. You can just about see them in enough detail to realise what they are and there is still loads of space in that docking enterance for something much larger to come out. If you start shrinking them much more, yes you'll make the rock look more massive, but I think it'll make the buildings look too large! The monastery is already probably 500 times larger than the thunderhawks if not a 1000 volume wise. I would put the larger battle barges entering/exiting the larger docking ports lower down!


that's a good point. the size of the dots means positive identification on them is vague at best. I think the first thing anybody will look at for scale will be the battle barge coming out of the lower hangars. but again, i'm not there yet. very slowly rendering my way down the side of the rock :)


thanks for all the comments and critique, I HIGHLY appreciate it. ;)

any words on colour scheme and technique would also be great,

I'm very new to this painting with the computer thing. I'm really not kidding when I say i'm making it up as I go along.

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hey mate thats some great work you have here, though i am a bit sceptical on the scale, i agree on the fact that you should turn the thunderhawks into strike cruisers, would fit the scale a bit better. The monastery does look a bit to big too especially the front part. Your technique is superp keep it up. Hope that helped.
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I always had a vision in my head how the Rock would look like but my scale was way of. You really put things into place for me with your piece. I really dig it. Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to the end result.


Consider this subscribed.

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hmm. i think this worked out okay.


that's a strike cruiser btw. if people think that still looks like a thunderhawk I need waaaay more practice ;)




and to put things into perspective again:

(you can see a battle barge below, as well as the makings of the dockyards. i'm also going to expand the rock a bit outwards for balance, but i'm thinking that the barge might be a bit on the small side.


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I agree, preferred the thunderhawks. I think the original with the thunderhawks all looked excellent and though I don't have any idea about the scale 'should be', it all seems to look appropriate to me.


Here is an old picture of the rock to compare.




I think yours looks a lot more appropriate and to scale. If you do put the strike cruiser in, I think you should open the port a bit more - it'd take a brave pilot to fly out of that small space.

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I think the strike cruiser looked good though a bit to big, the barge looked great the thunderhawks would be, in my opinion too small to be clearly seen as something more than just two dots.

Actually, you know what, to me that strike cruiser looks more like a battle-barge, in which case it fits better i would leave like that, this already proves the massive size of the rock, knowing that a battle-barge is quit massive already.

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I think the strike cruiser looked good though a bit to big, the barge looked great the thunderhawks would be, in my opinion too small to be clearly seen as something more than just two dots.

Actually, you know what, to me that strike cruiser looks more like a battle-barge, in which case it fits better i would leave like that, this already proves the massive size of the rock, knowing that a battle-barge is quit massive already.


I've decided to let the viewer decide what ships the two dots are. :tu:

and i'll be putting in a battle barge below however.



i think the strike cruiser sould have hawks around it, next to it like they are a convoy sort of thing.


I'll see how it looks when I get to putting in the battle barge


really beautiful. hope to see it at completetion. i say keep the thunderhawks, they just look better.

please don't sell to GW, i'd hate to have to pay to see this kind of amazing. very good painting skills by the way.

keep us posted!



haha no worries,

a ) it's nowhere near good enough to sell,

b ) i'm a complete amateur and currently have no desire to go professional,

c ) if I WAS to go professional, i'd have to be a helluva lot quicker, and a helluva lot better.




aand the city of angels is well on its way.


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So... anyone else thinking about making a BFG piece based on this?


if you'd take the original BFG scale (ie a battle barge) you would have to make this thing pretty damn big :(

(maybe you could have the top floating over half your table? :tu: )



I'm loving the progress on this thing. What programs/tools are you using to make this?


I'm slightly concerned the scale might be getting too big :(

This thing looks like it could hold a whole fleet of battle barges while even a fleet based chapter has 3-4 at most? Though these are the Dark Angels we're talking about which, correct me if I'm wrong, is the only 1st founding 'Chapter' to be fleet based? You could argue they got alot more than 3-4...

Also while thinking of this I also realise it's a "rock", the docks don't have to be very deep... (if it was a man-made construction you could argue the whole thing was a shell with a ton of space inside). Off course we're not sure how many prisons have been dug out :(

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So... anyone else thinking about making a BFG piece based on this?


if you'd take the original BFG scale (ie a battle barge) you would have to make this thing pretty damn big :)

(maybe you could have the top floating over half your table? :rolleyes: )



I'm loving the progress on this thing. What programs/tools are you using to make this?


I'm slightly concerned the scale might be getting too big :)

This thing looks like it could hold a whole fleet of battle barges while even a fleet based chapter has 3-4 at most? Though these are the Dark Angels we're talking about which, correct me if I'm wrong, is the only 1st founding 'Chapter' to be fleet based? You could argue they got alot more than 3-4...

Also while thinking of this I also realise it's a "rock", the docks don't have to be very deep... (if it was a man-made construction you could argue the whole thing was a shell with a ton of space inside). Off course we're not sure how many prisons have been dug out ;)


Instant win that would be. Someone made spoof stats for a battlebarge...I don't even want to think what The Rock will have... ;)

I believe that the Imperial Fists also are fleet based? Someone comfirm that?


And I must say I'm impressed by a lot here. The scale, the vision the sheer ambition and of course the execution. Wow!

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