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54mm Blood Angels Honor Guard 02


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Here is my latest member of my Blood Angels war-band for the Inquisitor game (although i don't think anyone will ever let me field it!!)

If you have seen my other Blood Angel you will notice this one is similar, in respect to the studs and the heraldry, but this guy is much more converted and better armed!





C&C Welcome, Thanks for looking,


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I really like the colour scheme, good to see a Blood Angel still sporting the black trims! It's pretty well done as well, I really like the pose: especially as I remember reading your WIP, the parts that were rebuilt look like standard and I actually forgot.


Got plans for any more of these chaps?


Rogue Trooper

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That's amazing! One of the best Inquisitor scale marines I've ever seen, if not the best. My only gripe is that the thighs should probably be a bit bigger, but I could be wrong (anatomy isn't my best subject). Even so, it's a minor thing and I love the model ;)
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Great work. Love the studded armour plates. You're really going for these aren't you? I think that with them being so powerful, in-game they'd probably best be used as some very dangerous NPCs.


I do think there are a few things that could be improved on the model however. Just some constructive criticism, hope it helps.


The Crux freehand isn't bad but the effect of the yellow or gold lines is somewhat lost because you've left the spaces in between them red. It's a bit cruder than I'd expect from a Blood Angel hero. The skull is also acceptable but it looks awfully like an Iron Warrior symbol. The winged blood drop is a lot nicer though.


The weathering on the Power Fist is a bit strange in appearance, at this stage I'd say it looks more like a drybrush than weathering. The Power Fist's shape looks a little strange but I can't tell if it's the metallic paint distorting its appearance. Maybe some added detail there would work nicely too.


I'll have a look and see if I've missed a WIP thread on this guy, but if there isn't one would you care to tell me where that Bolt Pistol is from?

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Thanks for the comments and compliments guys!


@Rogue Trooper - I have another one done and i also have another Artemis model that im not sure what to do with, I also have the forge world leonatos model wich is the same scale so i was thinking aobut maybe making a diorama or somthing with the other two and using the other Artemis for a space wolf or black templar or somthing, suggestions??


@A17roolz - The thighs on all the 54mm space marines i've seen (Artemis and the forgeworld leonatos, death company and space wolf) tend to look a little small, i suppose i could have bulked them up a bit but I like the top-heavy-ness of this guy.


@StratoKhan - Thanks for the compliments, I do love the Artemis model and for the price i dont mind taking a hack saw to them, i'd be way too scared to hack up a FW marine!


In hind sight i think youre right about the crux, I can probly do better and i think i will. The skull does look pretty iron warrior-esque, and i think it would benifit the model as a whole if it were a bit more ornate.


I'll put up a pic of the power fist, its more than just a drybrush but tough to really see in the pics properly. The power fist is rather large and round but its pretty nicely detailed, its not GW though and im pretty sure its not 54mm, but i dont know what its from, i got it with a second hand artemis. I had intended to do some freehand work on the fist but couldnt think of anything and hoped some interesting weathering would do the trick, but i may need to revise that too.


Also, the bolt pistol is form Witch Hunter Tyrus, i just put a skull over the =I= on the side of it. It has alot of detail on it and looks how i'd expect a master crafted weapon to look.


Thanks again eceryone for the C&C, keep it coming, it is a great motivator to push myself!




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