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Titan Overhaul


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Hi there people and creatures. Along time ago, about 3-4 years to be exact, I got my filthy mits on templates for a warhound titan. and of course, being the newbe in the hobby, I HAD to go for the biggest, hardest project. It took about a year to finish, and of course, it wasn't what you would call... um, good.

Heres one of the only pictues I could find of it.


As you see, not so good, plus the fact that it has a buzz saw, and warhounds cant have cc weapons so I hear. )The buzz saw is now on my stompa, so that problem is solved).


Anyway, I decided to strip it down, take my time, and redo it, piece by piece. In order to make it something I'm actualy proud of.

So, I tore it apart, and had at it with a dremel tool. Here is the main body, all sanded down, ready for greenstuff.



I went over it with a grey primer, so it's easy to see what changes I have made.


I didn't really do a whole lot with the body, but I'm not completely done with it.



Next up, the legs. I really had fun doing these.


With the top of the legs, I tried to make it look like there was muscle underneath, going for the bio-mechanical look. Although the pictures aren't very good.


With this leg, I added some chaos arrows, like the ones I saw on the FW chaos titan. I think they turned out nicely.


With this leg I went for the erroded, rusted, decaying look. I basically went at it with my hobby knife and dremel tool. A differnt look then the other leg, but I like it.


Also, with this leg, I tried to model some tendon/ muscle looking things around the joint, I will probably re-do this part, as its not my favorite aspect of the legs.


Finally, The parts I have yet to start. The head, joints, and gun. Although I'm thinking I'll just scrap the head and make another. It's not that hard, plus I don't think I'm gonna do the eye filled head look.



What thinks the people of B&C? C&C very welcome

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It certainly seems like you've put more thought in the final appearance this time around. I like the biomechanical look you're going for. I'm not particularly convinced by the head though. I'm sorry to say it looks a bit like an eye pancake. I think that either the eyes need to be more incorporated into the head, or maybe you could rethink that design a little?


If you want you could add a nice big Nurgle symbol in plasticard, maybe just the three orbs and three arrows or if you feel like you're up to the challenge, three skulls? Or a fly icon.


Apart from that, I'm sure you'll want to look at rust and weathering effects for this guy. Anyways, good luck, it'll be the first Nurgle-blessed titan I've seen so I'm looking forward to seeing it completed!

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okily dokily. I'm back, with pics.

For the most part, all I did with the body is cut it up some more and add some muscle-y stuff poking out of the holes.



I decided to add a big ol' nurgle symbol, made of plasticard.



On the rear right part, I went for a clawed look, like something even bigger nearly got him.



As you can see, I've removed the back, (also the bottom, but thats so that I can get to it in order to model some stuff into it.) I'm trying to think of something that I can use for an exaust system, maybe some giant smokestacks, or maybe just some corroded looking vents.



I don't really know what to do with the back at this point, any suggestions?

C&C always welcome.

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Good work, the additions work well. It's good to have an icon there, although for such a large icon not to be on-center doesn't seem 100% right. Just be careful not to gouge too many holes into the Titan as it might end up looking like it's not really battle-worthy. =)


As for the back, you can always look to the pictures of the Chaos Warhound, Chaos Reaver and the Mars and Lucius pattern Warhound for inspiration.


Maybe you could duplicate those vents and add some Nurgle character by choking them up with filthy and ragged tendrils. Nothing too extreme. Or as you said you could simulate serious corrosion.

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I know what you mean Strato, I will probably either make a smaller nurgle symbol. or sculpt one onto the top. around the vent things. And as far as making holes in it, I'm done with that, I just need to fill in the existing ones as of now.


What I'll probably end up doing, is on the backs, put some giant vats of goo, for the pus cannon I'm going to have on it.


Now, I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I was thinking about the neck of the titan. I don't know if I should go for just a tube neck with cables running from the head to the body. A muscley looking neck, or maybe even something like an elongated, snake like neck.


It'll be awhile till I get that far though, thats just what was on my mind.

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