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Graz's WIP Daemon Prince. Update 11-26-09!


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Hello B&C! I don't post very much around here but I lurk quite a bit. So here is a project I've been working on recently that I thought long and hard about sharing with everyone and I've finally decided to. I have had a painted up ork warboss for quite some time and I've always thought it would make a good base for a khornate daemon prince conversion. So I was finally able to get some more green stuff and using what is left of my bitz box I set to work. I should also add that this is the first conversion I've ever done that involves a large amount of green stuff work so hopefully it doesn't end up too terrible. I'll try to update regularly as I do more work on him.


Early stages







I've done a little bit more on the wings since this picture, but I'm not sure I'm happy enough with them to post :\



Here is a little more work done on the boots.



Last, here are a few with the arms tacked in place











So there is still a lot of work to be done. I'm not sure I'm happy with the head. The idea is that it hasn't quite broken out into a full on daemon head yet.. Plus it's the best I have to work with right now :) Also he looks a little fat because of the way those silly orks stand but I think once I get him mounted in a jumping/flying position it will look fine. Let me know what you guys think!

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Id lose the backpack it looks too small for his frame, and just have the wings comming directly out of his body... or greenstuff the backpack into his bodys so it looks like its sort of fused together with his spine. (mabey even have his spine comming up over his back and into his head).


The head looks quite nice in my oppinion, though it needs a little something, i dont know what, horns mabey? cables that look like the remains of his helmet? I dont know but as it is it dosnt look mean enough compared to the rest of his body.

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Id lose the backpack it looks too small for his frame, and just have the wings comming directly out of his body... or greenstuff the backpack into his bodys so it looks like its sort of fused together with his spine. (mabey even have his spine comming up over his back and into his head).


The head looks quite nice in my oppinion, though it needs a little something, i dont know what, horns mabey? cables that look like the remains of his helmet? I dont know but as it is it dosnt look mean enough compared to the rest of his body.



Yeah about the head.. I can't figure out what. Horns are ok but I'm not sold on them. I was panning on doing some cables but I'm not sure of my abilities yet. I'll have to do some testing. About the backpack, what I was going to do was gs the wings onto the shoulders right about where the vents usually are (also why the shoulder pad is chopped off in the back) and more or less fuse the wings to the backpack like they took the place of the vent and/or (haven't decided yet) burst holes in the armor. I'm leaning more towards bursting out since the leather the ork wears could be made to look like bent, burst, and torn metal.

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Ok here is an update on the work I've done in the past few days.


shoulder pad trim and spines



more spines



Boot trim/spike



Back bone fusing with backpack and burst out shoulder pad where the wing will mount



Some more work done on one of the wings. Pretty close to done I think.



And last just one held together for a bit of scale.




I still really don't like the "butt plate" and I have a lot of trimming and detailing work left but I'm happy to say it is coming along better than I was expecting. Maybe one of these days I'll actually get a sculpting tool instead of being stuck with an xacto knife and the end of a paint brush handle >.>

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Great job, especially with the Ork axe conversion.


I'm in the middle of the same scratch building process, and am envious of how well you did the feet...



Thank you a lot for that! The feet are one of the things I was the most worried about. I think I still need to do some trimming on them though. We'll see how I feel about it next time I set to work.

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Yeah I've been trying to figure out how to add some cables. I don't have access to guitar string at the moment, but I think I've got some made up from green stuff that look pretty decent. I'll try to get some more work done tonight and get another update up.
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Hey hey it's been a while. Had quite a bit going on the last week, but I've finally got some more to post. I got some paint on my little beasty tonight. There are still some places I need to touch up. I need to do something with the sword but I'm not sure what and the chest icon probably needs to be bigger.. The base is very temporary, I just wanted to get him mounted for a few pictures. There was something off about the camera that makes the dirty white look silver. Not sure why that is, but it is actually white. :(


As always, cc is welcome.











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