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A Female Captain?

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I love the concept of a female SM captain! :(


I was thinking of making a raven guard captain by converting a sister of battle, i was thinking she could have two short power swords as "count as" lightning claws.


I know it goes totally aginst the whole space marine fluff and stuff, but i just think it would be unique and also rather epicus maximus! :tu:


What does everyone think?

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Fluff aside I see nothing wrong with someone doing female space marines. I got involved in a heated forum arguement once (different forum) with a norrow minded poster who couldn't concide (again, fluff not withstanding) that's it's ok for somome to field space marines that were female. It ended with me saying something like if his imagination wouldn't allow him to see that than maybe he should not be playing a game like 40k.
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Beware, you are entering a minefield! There are some excellent discussion articles in the Librarium on this subject, please read them before posting anything else, to save hat often descends into a flamewar, with no real winners :D

(My mixed gender renegade marines, the Broken Hearted, are led by a female, Commander Sasha Eden)

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I want a female captain, just because that would be a little unsual, i'm thinking of chopping up a sister of battle and putting her in some custom power armour,


To be fair, he just wants a Cannoness leading his Raven Guard


Don't we all?


If anyone has any ideas as how i should do it i'll take them on:


If you want to know what a female space marine looks like, look at female body builders. Their armour would be no different.


Dnt want her to look too butch, otherwise i'd just have long haired space wolves type captain who may as well be a guy.

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Commander Sasha standing, with Relic blade & Artificer Armour


(WIP) Same but with Jump Pack, have ordered some steampunk wings!



The armour on this model includes a steampunk style backpack with chimneys, no bigger than a regular marine pack.

If anyone argues that the armour is a bit skinny and light, I answer that the Artificer was also a fashion designer with a thing for size 0 models... ;)


Both models are from Warmachine, so beware, you can't use them in GW shops ;)


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Commander Sasha standing, with Relic blade & Artificer Armour


(WIP) Same but with Jump Pack, have ordered some steampunk wings!



The armour on this model includes a steampunk style backpack with chimneys, no bigger than a regular marine pack.

If anyone argues that the armour is a bit skinny and light, I answer that the Artificer was also a fashion designer with a thing for size 0 models... :yes:


Wow, a Female Russian Steampunk Space Marine... I'm sold, that is officially the most badass female model I've ever seen!

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this is an interesting project to me as I have personally modelled up a full captain and command squad of female space marines. though i do agree with the previous statement of it would impossible to tell the difference apart of a male or female in power armor as the armor would easily hide it. even in modern military the body armor hides alot of the persons gender from what i have seen.


if you want a cheap and easy way to make a female captain hell to make a whole squad for her personal body if you want. do the way some people and myself included to make life easier. get a box set of Wood elf archers. there are a bunch of heads there that look female and with alittle greenstuff in the neck slot them into place and boom ya got yourself a female headed space marine. :) again up to you if you really want to do that.


I look forward to seeing how this turns out *bows* have fun!

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I don't get why people keep coming back to Female Space Marines with this thread. I mean let's read his OP post again, shall we?


I love the sisters of battle! ^_^


I love the concept of a force entirely made up of women, and their armour and stuff look awesome! :P


I was thinking of making a raven guard captain by converting a sister of battle, i was thinking she could have two short power swords as "count as" lightning claws.


I know it goes totally aginst the whole space marine fluff and stuff, but i just think it would be unique and also rather epicus maximus! :)


What does everyone think?


He likes Sisters of Battle and wants one, or something that looks like one, leading his army. Codex Witch Hunters states that any Imperial Army can take 0-1 HQ, 0-1 Elite, 0-2 Troop and 0-1 Fast Attack units from the Witch Hunter list, as long as the Parent army has the minimal force organisation requirements. This means that his army can have a Sister of Battle leading it. No fluff or rule conflict in any way at all. Problem solved. How and where female marines have come into this is beyond me.

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Who's He the cat's mother?


I have a couple of ideas now, I'm going to use a space marine chaplain as the main body, i'll steal the twin "power knives" off a death cult assasin, will cut off the sister of battle head and seriously greenstuff the gal up to make her a bit more captainy!


Will report back in a month or so...


Shopping list:

Generic Sister of battle w/o helmet

Death cult assassin

Space marine chaplain with jump pack

Lots of green stuff

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