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Tzeentch Prince


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Stuck at home for a few days, docters orders, so I have dusted off an old project and I WILL finish this thing and have primer on him by Friday night. First off, the staff is going to be completely redone, and the left arm is going to covered with green stuff skin full of eyes like the neck. The body and head are glued together but the arms and shoulderpads are loose still. I need to make the head more interesting, add scrolls and trophies, and anything else to kill some of the dead space. I wanted to look like a sorcerer that was gifted with princehood, the feathers match my warbands fluff, and keeping the powered armor aspects was a priority.gallery_31750_4271_27805.jpg



Tell me what you think, what do you like, what do you hate? This model is the peak of my skills, I can use some ideas on fleshing this thing out as long as they come with instructions :D . Thanks for looking.

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Those feathers are great. Please tell you didn't do them individually!


Also really like the torso.


The left hand looks a bit big, but when you add GS to the arm it might be okay.


Is it his spine sticking out on the back or will it be attachments for wings?? If it is spine, it doesn't look quite right, needs the spinous processes (the bits that poke out of the back of the vertebrae) and needs to go down to his bum.


Can't say I hate any of it, and your proposal with regards to the skin sounds great!

@ Brother Loring. Thanks for the reply, Yes, I did do one feather at a time. I haven't counted them but I almost went insane finishing them. That is supposed to be his spine, I made it when the upper torso wasn't attached and now that you pointed it out, it needs to be extended and improved on. That's why I asked, thanks.....now off to work. By the way, here is a shot for perspective, along with the basic color scheme.


Yay comments! Thanks for the encouragement, keeps me motivated to finish.

@ Frijj - The body and chest were made in two pieces out of Reynolds Wrap foil compressed as hard as I could squeeze covered in Super Sculpy. Everywhere else was just Super Sculpy. You have to bake the stuff, so keeping everything thinner than a 1/4" is important, cooked it bulky and used a dremel for the details.

I wasted a lot of time finishing gs work only to find my finger prints pushed into sections I was happy with. So, doing everything in stages now and waiting patiently for everything to dry.


Happy with the new staff even though the ghost faces didn't translate well. Skinned the arm, lookes sloppy because it needs to dry before I add eyeballs, tentacles and other Tzeentchy stuff. Added to the shoulderpads a bit too. Tried to use gs to add "cloth" strips flowing in the wind from the staff and failed miserably, but I tried cutting them out of plasticard and holding them over a lighter, not sure if it's a keeper or not but thats what those white things are in the background.

Losing steam and suffering from the "looks good enough for the tabletop"itus. Glued on all of the parts, going to add trophies and some magic type stuff to his belt and call it quits. Well, after looking at the pics, maybe I'll chop off the tentacle on his fleshy arm and just add lots of eyeballs. No matter what I'm shooting primer before bed. Thanks for looking, the tentacle looks lame doesn't it?


Bah, real life distractions pushed me back a bit, but I still have eleven hours till my deadline. Tore off that lame tentacle and added five more eyeballs to his arm in a "I just woke up and broke out in random eyeballs" kinda way. Looks much better, my self doubt wins again.


All I am going to do now is try to add chains, just watched a you tube that Brother Nihm linked at the tutorial section, gotta love this site. Going for this look,gallery_31750_4271_12227.jpg, taken from a model I painted thirteen years ago. (I promise, I have improved a little since then)

Thanks for the slap BlackBabyJesus, I think I am getting the look I am going for. Nurglespuss, there is nothing on this model that wasn't my first try (except a few feathers). Although not perfect, trying new things with GS and Sculpy was loads more fun than painting IMO and has given me loads of ideas to keep the Changers ways evident in my warband. As for his legs, they are under his robes of course, one of my regrets early on was not making feet, oh well.


Just a view of the materials used to make him, hope this helps somebody. By the way, what size base should I be using? If you read all that, thanks for paying attention to my ramblings.

Well first off, if his 'feet' are, ahem, hidden, I would be building him a gian 'disc of T'Zeentch' for him to ride around on!


Couple of ideas for you (none of them mine):



I think the comments you are getting regarding his legs are because they are out of proportion (i.e. too short) for the length of his torso. In practice, a body's legs should be about 2 times the length of the torso. Otherwise, though, it looks fantastic. I can't wait to see it painted.

I had to add a post saying how well it turned out.

Loads of details. the waist does seem to be lacking trophys.

Also if I remember my gs Fu for cloth you can roll it flat and use talc

powder and from what I've heard the stuff will fold over on itself and not stick. Dunno

like the forearm eyes and the spine not something you see every day.

As for porportions it's a make belive monster and looks awesome. Nuff said

Made it through the holiday and it's time to get back to business.

@ ImhotepMagi- Legs are too short, live and learn, paint is comming soon.

@ Nurglespuss- I aim to please.

@ COG- Trophies are drying as I type this, gonna look into the talc and thanks for the props.

Didn't spend too much time on the Disk, Darth Bob is right in that it is a bit small, but I have a whole army to get to and this guy is turning into a huge time sink. Threw on a gooey trapped soul kinda thing on the top and an eye covered in large veins on the bottom. Just need to fill in holes around the blades and call it done.gallery_31750_4271_1137.jpg


This gap between the Disk and the rider is my last big challenge. I think I will glue him on, then attempt to sculpt the feathers to the disk in a flowing to the ground kinda way. It's gonna stink, but I can't think of a better way.



Thanks for looking; love it, hate it, have some advice, let me know.

I wouldn't do the feathers blending into the disk thing. With a model this large, you really want to keep the silhouette crisp. If anything, the lower half of the model needs more definition - feathers rippling in the wind, or perhaps even bits of cloth or parchment that can have mystic sigils or designs written on then that will unite the top half and the slightly too plain 'skirt section' atm.


The whole thing looks amazing though, please dont take my suggestions as criticism, because they aren't - the model is awesome

And to think I was going to just put him on a base and start painting. Made a bird foot, I think it's going to work sticking out under the robes adding some height. Going to make a standard marine style foot for the other leg to keep it real. Just glued on the chain I made and GS'd some goodies to it. I'll clean it up a bit once everything dries.


Thanks again for the input ImhotepMagi and I think the detail on the robes is what you were thinking Arsenal. Gonna let the GS dry while I sleep, g'night.

Love the chain and scolls

Very nice . Also dig the feet

I was going to say just leave him floating on the disc

But after seeing the feet well it'll be very impressive when done

When are we going to see the rest of the army

Nothing like a wip to get the

Motivation right?

Not to add to the " time sink" but you always add a

Tail seperately sticking out from the back to cover that gap

I totally failed in all of my attempts to give him feet. If I would have began with that plan I could have done it, but I don't have it in me to do it this far in. So this is the last WIP post of the sculpt, outside of adding chain links connecting the scrolls to the main chain and fill in a couple of gaps he is done. I went through an OLD forgotten bits box looking for trophies to attach to his belt and came across a massive Zoanthrope head, thought it might be a bit silly but it has grown on me. Well here is, my next update will be with paint.



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