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Whats are best units for a rhino rush?


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I think Dvorn wants to make a vanilla rhino rush lists and has been wondering what to add to his army.


I say you should get yourself a LR and some assault terminators and keep vulkan with them. This way you get a 14/14/14 tank that will attract tons of firepower, keeping your rhinos safe, while also enabling you to disembark and assault on the same turn.


Get some anti-tank too. MM attack bikes are cheap and reliable. This way you can zoom forward 24" with the attack bikes, while the rhinos and LR follow up 12" and pop smoke. Then in the following turn the attack bikes can get into melta range, pop enemy transports, which allows you to safely assault/rapid fire them in consecutive turns.

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I'm kind of into this idea of a Vanguard Rhino rush. =) Time to buy another Rhino and paint more assault troops sans Jump Packs. (I should've magnetized those assault troop packs in the first place.)
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Whats are best units for a rhino rush?


Apart from Rhinos, Tactical Squads, Sternguard and Vulkan



Brother Dvorn



I'd say mobile heavy weapons, which means Land Speeders, Attack Bikes and Dreadnoughts. This way your Tacticals/Sternguard are more focused on getting into rapid fire range and not stopping to shoot that single heavy weapon.


EDIT: To add more detail, I'd go with mobile anti-tank heavy weapons, as a bunch of Bolters and some Flamers do a fine job of killing infantry most of the time.


MM/HF Land Speeders

MM Attack Bikes


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It is for a vinilla list with vulkan, heres mu current list List


Well if he wanted good units for throwing in vanilla rhinos he shouldnt have said no tac squads

I ment apart from tacital squads, because they are a no brainer. :)



Brother Dvorn

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