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My Wolf Lord for the Wolf Lord Challenge


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for those of you that dont know or want to join there is a Wolf Lord Challenge which we set up over in the Space Wolves Sub Section, sadly wasn't enough room for it to be stickied so here you go.


Hes based on the marneus calgar body and has some FW space wolf stuff, but havent picked up any of the new kits cos i have no money so...

but i'd like your opinions:

Walking down the hill



or walking up the hill



for those that dont like it i am using the messed up zhofir head with the cheak missing but this is because my army is quite chaosy and dark although still space wolves

im not sure whether to file off the stuff on the right shin

and unsure about how to handle the belt thing (tabard?) thats joins his legs ive covered the 'U' symbols in green stuff for the moment




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My two cents...


Coming down the hill. Seems a bit more aggressive and a Wolf Lord would be sure to attack from the high ground. :P


I think your okay leaving the stuff on the shin.


I think coming up the hill, gives a nice even, level view of the model and lets him have a panoramic view of the battle - like he pausing to survey the battle (and maybe having a swig of Ale ;) )


I agree, leave the stuff on the shin, but change the stuff on the shield, add the pelt from the Space Wolf cape thing and a couple of talismans (whatever they're called)


When you get the chance, change Zhufor's head for the wolf-helmet - it's epic!



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cheers for the input guys i think i will go for the downhill look it does remind me of someone out of 300 though :P i think thats a good thing though

trying out a banner so ive used zhufors dont worrk he will get more wolfy as i go along



but with the downhill pose he is pretty much off his base!!


as you can see ive used a toxic waste tub for the base and podium thingy. which means he's on a 50mm base which i think isnt too big for games


so do you like the trophy banner thing i think i like it and it definately portrays the dark side to my army :D

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thanks again guys

i will be making a fur cloak that comes over his shoulders and connects to the roape around his chest

but does anyoe have any ideas for the banner, i do like the dead dude on a stick but should i try and add a cross part that goes through his shoulders? and add some wolfy gubbinz to it? or is that unneccessary im going to be working on the storm sheild when i get the time and when i find my green stuff again :D

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