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Scouts and Inq allies?


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hi guys

My interest was piqued earlier today with a message from the boards Borinar, who suggested i tired Inq allies with my scout lists..

Id have to admot id love to have an army with both Telion and a vindicare.


Ultimately i know very little about Inq, what kind of units would work well with my scouts?

In my lists i always take:

10 snipers with Telion and cloaks

LSS with HF

LSS with MM

Scout sqaud (5) with fist, combi-flamer

Scout squad (5) with combi-melta, meltabombs

Scout bike squad (5) fist, 2xGL

10 ccw scouts, fist, combi-flamer


This lot comes to 885, ive been using first company at the moment to make up the rest.. what units would be good from the WH codex and which assasin would work well?

also i need a HQ in this list, i generally take one to compliment the 1st, so in this case whatever units from INQ i take.


Comments greatfully recieved



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You could take a vindicare to complement Telions sniping ability (Although it may end up being Telion supporting him!)


You can take a dominion squad with 3 meltaguns inside the transport with the twin heavy flamers (which can fire no matter how far you've moved if i remember correctly). Maybe get a heavy flamer toting sister inside a ten strong unit and shove 'em in a transport.


If you're wanting the assassin then you'll have to take an inquisitor lord, so give him/her a decent retinue, a couple of chirgeons (ultra medics imo) and maybe a couple of veterans with special weapons or crusaders (power weapons and 4+ invulnerable) and some sages to enhance your shooting (provides a re-roll) and a familiar to give the inqisitor Initative 5


You can't get a psycannon for the WH inquisitor though, so you could try gearing for close combat.


I do have the codex,but I haven't used them on the field, so I don't really know how things would go, but this is the kind of army I would like to field with the WH.

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