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Space Wolves: Mixed Pods/Mechanized


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Since the third edition, mechanized army have always been the way I did it either with SW or CSM. But now there is another way to bring death to ennemy: the Drop Pod.


I never played a vanilla marine army so I never tried the pods in a game. I played some games against a part podding army but most of the time I found I could deal with the various waves one at the time.


But now with the new SW codex out, I'm thinking of going that way with them. I like the way it could work on the field and the look of the army, but I'm still suspicious about it's efficacity.


I wanted to use 2 LR in my list one full of Blood claws and the other with Termis. I guess I should use 3 DP (2 of them with gray hunters and the other with either GH or a dread) to have a minimum impact and another Grey hunter pack with either a razorback or a rhino to hold the home objective.


What do you guys think of this setup?


Would it work on the battlefield or should I go full mech or full pod, not the middle way?



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I enjoy Full podding with my Wolves, but I have to warn you it means few, if any, bloodclaws. If your a fan of the new kids I wouldnt suggest DPs for you.


Speeders are a near nessecity to get more guns on the ground so to speak.


Dont forget to bring Long Fangs in a DP- it may seem like madness, but you wont always want to deploy right next to your enemy, and these boys and some Dreads will give you the long range punch youll need to make that a viable option.


Remember- theres no such thing as a suicide unit. With 2 KPs per unit, and a 40pt tag added to each unit you dont throw units away that are already on the table.


Good first wave is generally 1 WG, 2 Dreads, and 2 GHs at 2k, dropping a dread an a GH at 1500pts. You should always have atleast one troop start in reserve during objective missions, and one should usually be in your first wave to add a bit of "bulk".


Of course, Wolf Gaurd only is an option... but I must confess Im not attracted to the Logain army, and so havent tried it yet.

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