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LEGIO CRUDA - The Bleeding Legion


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Legio Cruda

The Bleeding Legion




Countless numbers have fallen prey to the dark gods, sacrificing their lives and souls to forces, the power of which they can not grasp. And many brave and proud men have sworn loyalty to these gods. Their motives as dark and sometimes desperate as their fates, they will endlessly fight and kill, until death releases them into the blackness of an unmourned end. Their skill in warfare is unmatched, as is their hatred towards their own race, towards the only god of man, a corpse worshipped by the billions, as dead as the dreams he once weaved. They have been brothers, ages ago. But fratricide has devided them once and for all time.

A bitter wrath drives the lost brethren ever onwards, battle after battle. They spread the blood of the worthless worshippers of the dead man-god. They drink it and they infect weak children of man with the virus of disbelief. They spoil the breed of men with the disease of hatred. They enchant their minds with the lust for the flesh, and the ultimate destruction thereof. They bewitch them, they promise everything and take it all away again.

No one knows if this will ever end, and how.


Only few live to tell of the Bleeding Legion. It has been, and still is subject to debate wether they really are a legion, an army or just a loose warband. Nothing is known of their whereabouts, where they come from and what their goals might be. Ultimately, and that is probably the only thing that is fact, they raid and destroy ruthlessly, with swiftness and brutality unheard of in a long time. This has brought up speculation about a bond to khorne. Then again they do not only slay but leave those surviving to rot and die of terrible diseases. It is known that alliances of the dark gods occur at times. However, it appears that the leaders of the Bleeding legion are in league with more than one god permanently, making them more powerful and dangerous than most others warlords.


As of the latest reports, unfortunately for the Imperium kept under closure, the legion seems to grow and indeed their ranks might reach numbers that justify the term Legion. They collect souls, warriors, fallen brothers of the loyal Astartes on a trail of blood. And as I may report to have seen myself, they leave a physical trail of blood. They constantly bleed from the gaps and orifices in their age old armour. It stinks and is of blackish gooey quality when it drips from the bizarre ornaments on their chests and shoulders. It is fresh and light red as it pours from their axes and maces. It leaves puddles everywhere, a smear never to be washed off again. And it leaves the places where they raged as haunted, plagued, uninhabitable forever.


Be sure to know when they struck again. As they leave a sign, the sign of their legion everywhere they go. It is of blood, smeared with two fingers against a wall or across a door, or a forehead. It is a sign of certain death, not a mark of claim, but a legacy of eternal decay.









This log will document my all time love in 40K, my Chaos force. It is an army mostly consisting of regular marines with berzerkers and palgue marines, to spice things up a bit.

A good deal of it is painted but will get redone as I think the path I took at first was wrong and could not depict the background of this army. I had them mostly red at first, But that prevented me from seperating the berzerkers from the rest. A pure khorne approach was also not what I wanted. I wanted some Nurgle in it. So both red and green as basic colours fell out. After rethinking this matter for about two years now (not kidding), I found a colour scheme that could represent both the age, the rust, the dust and all, plus the blood on their armour. I had to learn a lot about painting first to be ableto paint to the level necessary to get this across.

Basis is a grey-brown with rusted trims. Then comes some battledamage, scratches etc. Finally the blood dripping from the recesses.

The Berzerkers can now be perfectly red as they should be. The Plague Marines get the rotten look suitable, plus some traces of blood aswell.


The list consists of this:


50 Marines

5 Raptors

5 Possessed

10 Chosen

20 Terminators

12 Berzerkers

7 Plague Marines

3 Bikers

5 Havocs

A couple Characters, incl. Khârn, Abbadon, Juggerlord...

2 Predators

1 Rhino

1 Landraider

1 Defiler

1 Dreadnaught


Blahblahblah, they say, pics or didn´t happen, nag nag nag...

OK. here is a taster of what is to come.


A Biker. Basic colours and damage done. Now he needs the blood smeared on. That´s going to be interesting, but the basis is about right for this experiment.



The pic is a bit crappy, as it appears there are no colour transitions. They are there, smooth enough to disappear in my desktop light. I will show better ones taken in daylight, with another mini aswell.


These explain themselves...











Some may know some of these minis. Let me assure you, they are repainted, or finished off since I took the last pictures.

I have made many interesting plans for these minis. I hope you like the ones shown tonight. There´s plenty more where they came from :)




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Plague marines are awesome khorne bezerkers are awesome..


Fluff "virus of disbelieve" should be disbelief no?


the concept biker, looks well rather plain at this point (perfectly executed but ..).. like the above said the blood will need to breathe some life into him. I know that sounds harsh but Thats how he looks to me at this point.. however I truly look forward to seeing some bleeding marines.





Thanks smallvictory and yogi!


Errors to be corrected. I should be happy if the spelling on disbelief is my only mistake in the fluff ;)


The blood effect is certainly THE thing to pull off right in this project. It took me a while to find a basic paint scheme to apply this on.

The pic of the biker is no good, it doesn´t show his colours right. He looks really plain on this photo.


Update soon!




My favorite is definately the Khorne (leader I believe) with the plasma pistol and double edged chainsword. Arms held high and outstreched with a slight backward bend to the back. As if he is saying, " I cant hear the screams of pain over how, AWSOME I AM!!!"


That of course is just my opinion, I coud be wrong.


Very well done!



One of my favourites as well! It is a regular khorne champion. I liked the head a lot, so I had to buy it and leave it as is , no conversion work necessary.


Here are two better pictures of the biker.

Hope it gets clearer now.







Photobucket got spasms today...


Yeah, so far so good, I´d say.


More to come.




  • 4 weeks later...

And a little update.

I have done my sorceror. Particularly like the blood soaked up the cloak.

That´s going to be the recipe for all the blood to be added on the minis.









Hope you like it. Must do something about my pics though I guess. They used to look better.




What claw hand is that? :D


It came on the Lord model. See here. That pic also shows the other two weapons included in the blister.



Ooo, may have some use for conversions and bits...Mwahaha!


BTW, Im starving to see more.

Thanks guys!


I used the other two arms forone of my terminator champs. I will show him soon. STill thinking wether to repaint him or not, since he turned out quite good.


It is actually astonishing how few people know this monster of a mini. It is the heaviest of all terminator models, iirc, even more massive than the Librarian.

I like the unusual looks and the equipment a lot. Maybe it is so unknown because only a few folks used the option of a terminator sorceror. I pity the fools. It was devastating against my opponent. Especially against guard. But also a firemagnet.


Rightnow I am painting the bikes, and working on traitor guard, which I may not post here. They are part of my Chaos force.

For those interested, linky: http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.p...8355&page=3




  • 1 month later...

Updating my threads tonight. This stuff is not all too new.


I finally started on my defiler. This is part ogf a leg painted. Some detail is missing, as much as soeme final highlights.

Cannot fully paint it until I get hold of a bof bloodletters.






These guys are regulars of my army. I have only yet shown the Berzerkers and the Plaguemarines.

A Flamer marine and a CHamp.







You wil like them when tehy are painted :cuss




  • 5 months later...

Well, with a couple of armies going and a real life it is hard to keep things up to date regularly. Tonight I have some small but bad pics for you. Wip stuff, all three shades.








This is a repaint over the old scheme. This guy was rebuilt, too. He got sawn to bits and glued into a nice aggressive pose. I love metal minis.


My plage boys get reinforcements. One guy in painting stage, another being build. Here is a lick of paint.







And Khorne gets its share, of course.

Pics suck all things sticky and stinky, sorry.







Those pics are insanely bad. Don´t know what happened here. Seems they even lost after uploading, which, as I know, is BS.






Well, so far so good, or what. More to come. My LR is in progress, but I dare not show any wips. This thing already looks immensely cool. You´ll see!




  • 1 month later...

Hey, terminatorinhell, I totally forgot to reply to your question. Sorry!


The one with twin axes I guess?

Well, simple answer, it´s a csm terminator, metal version, last incarnation before the plastics. The head is a possessed head. Had to modify it. Left hand axe is regular. Right hand axe is a champions axe with hand. Had to replace the elbow with a regular marine´s one.

I reposed the legs, too. Then I cut off the front spikes on the trophy rows and added the banner pole.

That´s it, I think...

  • 1 year later...

Returning with my power armour armies into the world of 40k.

Right now I am in the state of sorting stuff. The plan is to get the Khornate and the Nurgle departement of my Legio finished as far as I have minis.

A couple of pics:


Zerkers, those undone:




the final two of my plague squad:




Some are known, my Khorne Terminators, now a full eight men:

















I´ll spare you the Khârn in the works. The pic sucks and the paint job is messily unfinished.


He´s part of a new squad I formed out of a bargained mass of 50 badly be-modelled minis.





And for the love of the RT times:




If more pics of these are wanted, tell me, I do have some.


Finally, a pic of the Landraider as it stands now. A horrible two hours of wet-blending that the pic does not really show...







So far, so good!


Cheers, and a happy new year!



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