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Heroes unite

Jarl Bloodwolf

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with the current codex players are able to have characters in armys that they would regurlarly not be found in. wether this is represented by a temporary alliance of chapters or a counts as character this presents a wide range of tactical oppurtunitys. for instace i have a freind with a preheresy IF army and he uses both Lysander and Kantor in his army but uses Kantors chapter tactics rule (slightly better than Lysanders in my freinds opinion) and its fairly effective with the rest of his army. so does anyone else have any character combinations that they like to use?
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As a note, kantors army rule is better, it offers a second ability that buffers sternguard.


Shrike + lysander = fleeting pain train of utter terrifying reign. If you thought lysander was bad enough, try a fleeting lysander (think your safe popping that land raider so he is just out of 12". Think again!)


Khan + Shrike = a furious charging, counter attack, hit and running unit of hell. The unit moves 12"+D6" (since khans bike can fleet), hmmm, lets remember also if you take vanguard here you've got a unit of pure and utter PAIN. Whats that str5 lightning claws? If only we could take a chaplin.


Marneus + Lysander = uber team. Expensive but some serious punch, god of war isn't active but you've got a stubborn army. Lysander is second to none, marneus is only second to lysander.


Sicarius + Kantor = Ultimate objective holding army. Sterns counting as scoring along with your troops, and they are all LD10 stubborn. They ain't moving fast (and if you want take a command squad with banner and honour guard with banner for re-rolls on those checks, not bad)


Khan + Lysander = if you thought lysander was bad now, try him outflanking inside a land raider filled with terminators. Yes it is fun beyond belief! Oh and if you want add khan on foot to the unit. Why? well why does hit and run terminators sound so filthy?


Cassius + Lysander = Since when did we stop at re-rolling one 'to-hit'. Oh and the T6 from cassius just makes this even better (plus lysander is now fearless. I can hear the cries of pain now)


Tigurius + Lysander and his crew of terminators = one hell of a delivery system. Gate, then null, then quickening or might. With that sort of protection, your opponent is ether going to need to sink his entire army into them to get rid of tigerius or just let him and lysander run rampant. Who says Lysander can't kill anything (even c'tans struggle to face him down. They do win, but at a severe cost to their own Wounds).



Thats all I can think of right now, any others? Personally the leaders do mesh together but some more than others (I think lysander is the most recurring here) due to their ability to do so much more. Lysander can do offence like no other and if you start buffering him with other abilities this already chuck norris of 40k becomes what would happen if chuck norris and the juggernaut were put together! Come on, 4 wounds, 3++, 2+, Eternal warrior. The only way you could get worse is if you put him with a command squad (which then gives him a FNP roll. Isn't this getting out of hand how durable he is!)

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Not to be used in regular games but oh so fun to charge into some of the combinations shown above my first post during apoc. Exspecially max termy squads with a few character attached because I give most of the wolf gaurd plasma pistols(Cause thats how they are modelled)


But I have no idea what combination to take during an actual game...

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How's this:


Cassius + Calgar - Very nasty, on the charge that is 6 S8 attacks, re-rolling to hit and re-rolling to wound! Imagine attaching a Chapter Banner Honour Guard for the extra attack!


Calgar + Shrike - Infiltrating, fleeting nastiness! You think Lysander is bad with Shrike, imagine Calgar with his extra 2 attacks!


Tigurius - Khan - Re-rolling all those outflank reserve rolls and pair them up in combat so Tigurius can take advantage of furious charge and you can wipe out Ork Nobz very quickly.


Calgar + Kantor - Lots of Powerfists attacks and you get an extra attack from Calgar! Ha! Of course in assault Kantor is going to be the target, so make sure they have a bodyguard. Who also benefit from the extra attack.


Off the top of my head!

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I don't like combining special characters. I find they cost too much if you take two, and there are always other more important things I would rather take.


That being said, I'm going to run a Pedro+Cassius list sooner or later. :P

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Vulkan and Pedro with a TH/SS melta/flamer list of doom. Extra mastercrafted TH/SS attacks for everyone within 12".


Hmmm, that does raise a question: does vulkan TL combi-meltas and flamers? (I would assume so but this is for the more RAW joke that alot of rule lawyers like hitting vulkan with about his HF attack). Pedro adds nothing really bar some +1 attack and the OB, hardly worth the 195pt price tag.


Lysander and pedro = stubborn as heck defence line, pedro can hold one area with sternguard and lysander can hold the other with sternguard and count as scoring plus lysander gives the sterns he's with re-rolls for their bolters. Also denies your opponent one objective without doubt, if lysander sits on it then don't argue. He was the only one to survive a chuck norris kick and even then he barely stood up with 1 wound left (and considering marneus just evaporated from the shockwave of that kick proves how tough lysander is!).


I mean the only thing I know that can shift lysander at all (and even then it's if it reachs) is the c'tans, necron lords with destroyer body and pariahs in greater numbers than 6. Notice how only necrons can seem to hurt lysander? HERESY! (then again a c'tan charging lysander gets hit on a 3 by L, I think).


Lysander plus 30 TH/SS terminators sound so wrong but is so right (and for extra hatred among your metagame, try shrike for that extra pain of fleeting terminators!)

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