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Captain builds other than the usual

chapter master 454

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Ok so after seeing C:SM and after sometime hearing the now (in)famous SS/RB combo I have always wondered if anyone else uses builds other than this cliche set-up. Yes it is effective, no doubts however it gets run down really fast and to be honest when you can predict what your opponents HQ is going to be when you see a simple shield on the model I think we need a new pose other than the master of the watch holding a relic axe.


So far I am yet to use the SS/RB combo and never plan to because it will predictably work well, and when things are predictable it is never fun. So I wonder if anyone else knows of an effective captain/Chapter master build other than twin LCs, thunder hammer and SS, etc. avoid those more well known ones. I will start off with a few so I can see if anyone else can show me others they would willingly use. yes you must be willing to use that set-up and the 4 I'm about to show I would use.


Chapter master in terminator armour with Chain-fist and thunder hammer. Nice big game hunter HQ.


Captain with bolter/hellfire rounds, thunder hammer. Another big game hunter but with some range, could be called the poor mans MC hunter (costs less than 150 points)


Captain with Storm bolter and chainsword. Range deticated and yes I would willingly use this leader, this one is more fluff driven than anything and also puts a nice change to all the HQs geared to the gunnells with gear.


Captain with relic blade. Thats is, nothing else. What expecting me to go back on my own words, nothing said your not allowed to use a relic blade, just asking for unusual combos (and this is unusual, I'm yet to see a Captain follow with honour the 'two-handed weapon' idea)


Oh and yes the bike and hellfire combo can be used if wanted, I've actually rarely seen that one, if at all


Side note: why do I keep hitting the semi-colon when I aim for the inverted comma button :)

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Maybe its just the Chaos in me, but I feel that Loyalists are spoiled with their Inv saves. You have a 4++ built in, which is already superior to the Chaos standard of 5++, so I really don't see the "need" to always use the Storm Shield.


To that effect, I think the Relic Blade/Storm Bolter Captain is a great buy. He's basically a faster verision of a Terminator and thats not bad at all.

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Captain with twin Thunder Hammers and Artificer Armor.


Yes, I'm serious. =)


He's a fun alternate I use when I don't feel like putting all the might of Calgar on the table but I still want someone to run around with my Vanguard.

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My current captain of choice:

Artificer Armor, Storm Bolter, Relic Blade, Aux Gren Launcher.

Can't say it's the 'best' points combo but when I can get that template/krak + 2 bolt shots into a charge it can be very nice.


Captain with double combi-plasma and aux grenade launcher. Bike optional.


Can you do stormshield, stormbolter, aux grenade launcher and hellfire rounds?


By my understanding hellfire works ONLY with standard bolter - not storm, not pistol. Further, with double combi-plasma I'm wondering why the aux launcher? If you charge the only thing you can shoot is the aux since the combis are RF weapons (at least so long as you opt out of the bike).

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One of my regular opponents plays a Ultramarine successor, his chapter master uses a stormbolter and a Thunderhammer, or a chainfist and stormbolter while in TDA. Works decently well for him.


2x Lightning Claw, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, TDA, is a favorite of mine.

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I think the Relic Blade/Storm Bolter Captain is a great buy. He's basically a faster verision of a Terminator and thats not bad at all.


This is my standard captain. It also dovetails nicely points-wise with a 7 Marine Devastator Squad w/ 4xML. No wasted points.

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You can't make an original captain. Like chaplains, captains are by default unoriginal because they're the bread and butter HQ of space marine armies. They're the SM leaders you most often see in fluff.


The fact there aren't any real options with either of these HQs only underlines this fact. You can't make a shooty captain (unless you consider a stormbolter or a combiweapon shooty, lol). No matter what you do, it's a close-combat HQ that works best in front lines. It's also one of few dudes in the entire codex with I5, so it's best to take advantage of that. The only real uniqueness about a captain comes from how you kit out his command squad, and whether he rides a bike or not.





That being said, I absolutely love my plastic captain with storm shield, black templar relic axe (the chain on it doubles as digital weapons), and his big cloak. It makes him look like a real front-line dude, and it's real impressive when you see him taking on a monstrous creature or soloing a bunch of lesser infantry. Not to mention it's very fluffy. :lol:

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I enjoy my Relic Blade/Storm Shield Captain and the model looks cool, but I can understand that facing the same old combo can get tiring, so I do have a reserve build with Plasma pistol and power weapon. Standard build really, allows him to gain extra attacks (5 on the charge) at initiative and high WS and also a powerful plasma shot before charging that is practically a guaranteed kill.


Not very unusual mind.


I think a Captain with Power fist, Storm Shield, bike and hellfire shells is a good little combo and not oft seen these parts. I would accompany him with standard bikers probably, as he can use his high toughness value and good save to survive most attacks long enough to use that Power fist.

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The entry for special issue ammunition specifically states that all types work with boltguns and combi weapons. It doesn't say specifically, one way or the other, with regards to storm bolters.

is a storm bolter called anything els than a bolter? if yes, then it is not a bolter...


and for the combi-bolter the same goes (for the bolter part only of course) :D


(and remember bolt gun = bolter)

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Currently stuck by the limits of my AoBR captain model, he runs with a bolter and a relic blade, when it's a formal affair he'll also get artificer armor, digital weapons and hellfire rounds to round him out some.
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You can't make an original captain. Like chaplains, captains are by default unoriginal because they're the bread and butter HQ of space marine armies. They're the SM leaders you most often see in fluff.


The fact there aren't any real options with either of these HQs only underlines this fact. You can't make a shooty captain (unless you consider a stormbolter or a combiweapon shooty, lol). No matter what you do, it's a close-combat HQ that works best in front lines. It's also one of few dudes in the entire codex with I5, so it's best to take advantage of that. The only real uniqueness about a captain comes from how you kit out his command squad, and whether he rides a bike or not.


I completely agree. Watching the 10th Co. Captain in Dawn of War 2 blasting away with a heavy bolter was beautiful. Too bad you can't do it on the tabletop.

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My Captain runs with a Relic Blade, Artificer Armour, and a Jump pack... Usually attached to a 5-man assault squad. Or Vanguard if I can afford it... Works pretty well, except when he tries to charge a bloodthirster by himself.
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The entry for special issue ammunition specifically states that all types work with boltguns and combi weapons. It doesn't say specifically, one way or the other, with regards to storm bolters.

is a storm bolter called anything els than a bolter? if yes, then it is not a bolter...


and for the combi-bolter the same goes (for the bolter part only of course) B)


(and remember bolt gun = bolter)


Actually, the entry specifies boltguns and their combi-weapon variants. A storm bolter, while is not described as a a boltgun, but like two boltguns side by side.


calling boltguns bolters is a colloquialism.


Besides which, trying to use these with stormbolters is kind of pointless as it would replace the profile of the storm bolter with that of the special ammunition.

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I completely agree. Watching the 10th Co. Captain in Dawn of War 2 blasting away with a heavy bolter was beautiful. Too bad you can't do it on the tabletop.

Yeah. It's even lamer because we basically pay points for his BS5, and the only weapon where that BS5 is ever really useful is if you give the captain a combimelta (combiplasma isn't so good because it prevents the captain from assaulting). :/


I wish they added options for shooty captains/masters in the next codex. It would really add to the variation and remain balanced at the same time.

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I have a CPT with SS and Power Fist + Aux Grenade Launcher. Depending on the points we are playing by I MIGHT throw Artificier Armor on him. He is fairly survivable but I will admit losing the use of his I5 hurts.
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