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WIP - rune priest in tda: Green stuff complete


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Hi All, well I've finished the green stuffing, and can start painting him in the week. I'm reasonably pleased with how it turned out, and thanks for the good ideas regarding his 'small' shoulder pad! Please let me know if you think it works!


http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs056.snc3/14340_337842280322_633810322_9544146_4083121_n.jpg Bit of press molding.

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs056.snc3/14340_337842290322_633810322_9544147_6217972_n.jpg More like a wolf, and less like roadkill!!

http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs076.snc3/14340_337842305322_633810322_9544148_7326456_n.jpg Bulkier shoulder (an imitation of a ragnar type shoulder).



morning update :)




Its about halfway there, gotta be patient and let it dry... then will tidy up what I've done so far before adding next/final layer that connects to the wolf head.


now can't wait for the rugby!!




http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs076.snc3/14340_336211260322_633810322_9523003_6651789_n.jpg carefully removed prev crux.

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs056.snc3/14340_336211265322_633810322_9523004_7426304_n.jpg wolf head, widened at the back (cut and split).

http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs076.snc3/14340_336211240322_633810322_9523001_4717025_n.jpggreen stuffed detail on side that looked odd, to even out face.

http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs076.snc3/14340_336211250322_633810322_9523002_8140192_n.jpgstart of 'scales' (like on ragnars pad. i have more drying on some plastic, ready to be cut off and attached. Also started working on details for the peld, to make it bit more 'real'.


Let me know what you think!




well just got back from work, and here he is wearing the wolf pelt his mighty landraider blind-eyes ran over!






quickupdate :P :


Some simple green stuff & gap filling, along with what at the moment appears to be road kill!




LOL! its a lot more '3d' than it looks from there :P and the 'tail' is raised, along with the shoulder section :P


Thanks for your comments guys!!




please let me know what you think! all gaps will be filled, and will add wolf pelt over shoulders later :)


pre coversion (thanks ebay!)


face drilled out, storm bolter shoulder removed


new face selected


new arm, plus storm bolter (needs green stuffing)


force axe 9as the staff, though awesome, is just toooo long!


ammo feed


quite like the pose


I'm impressed with your ability to remove the details of the model itself. Everytime I try something like that it looks like a med school student's work. Where did you get the left arm from though? I vaguely remember something like that in my bitz box but I can't place it.

hi there :D its an old terminator captain powerfist (from rogue/2nd ed) used to have a compact grenade launcher, and digi lasers built in :)


It was actually my only terminator arm left! I neglected to bring any with me (while I'm away) and thankfully 'twas in the bottom of me tool box!


Thanks for the compliments, the face is surpisingly easy to drill out with a low speed dremel, just take your time :) the ward bit was sawing the arm off without wrecking the left side of the chest :)

I really dig the pose aswell. Don't know much about Wolves so forgive me, what is the roadkill for? I only ask because thas green stuff is going to be a bit stiff when it dries and my imagination can't picture your greater plan.



Hi there :D


Small victory ;) : The roadkill is his wolf pelt :) and remains flexible for a while if its not too thick :)


Now attached!!



Hi All, well I've finished the green stuffing, and can start painting him in the week. I'm reasonably pleased with how it turned out, and thanks for the good ideas regarding his 'small' shoulder pad! Please let me know if you think it works!


http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs056.snc3/14340_337842280322_633810322_9544146_4083121_n.jpg Bit of press molding.

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs056.snc3/14340_337842290322_633810322_9544147_6217972_n.jpg More like a wolf, and less like roadkill!!

http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs076.snc3/14340_337842305322_633810322_9544148_7326456_n.jpg Bulkier shoulder (an imitation of a ragnar type shoulder).




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