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Rhinos, good against MCs and Ctan?


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Yes if the MC or Ctan death or glory and FAIL then they would be removed.


However 2 things to consider


1. A C'tan will auto penetrate you (Str 10 +2d6)

2. No one would ever DOG with a model like that, since they are fearless they will just move aside and smack the crud out of you next round.

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I have seen a chimera DOG a necron lord destroyer to death, no we'll be back, cost him the whole game.

yeah but that has nothing to do with the chimera being good at killing necron lords (or MC or Ctan), that has to do with the player being stupid. Its sort of like saying grots are good against honor guard cus your oponent charged though dangerous terrain and lost all his models to ones.

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Bad plan. Most of these Monsterous creatures are fearless and therefore just step out of the way. There are few real reasons why you would DOG a Rhino with such an expensive model, stupidity is the major factor here however necessity is another.


Think of it this way, tank shocking such a unit to contest a held objective in the last turn might make them decide to DOG but not much else would.


Good thing to keep up your sleeve in the last turn desperation but not something you should be doing as a matter of course through the game.


And on the subject I have seen a Flyrant squashed by a Rhino because the owner was stupid enough to accept Death or Glory. He instantly regretted the decision when he fluffed his roll (though it had to be said that he was under the impression that it was AV10, which he would have glanced).



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I have seen a chimera DOG a necron lord destroyer to death, no we'll be back, cost him the whole game.

yeah but that has nothing to do with the chimera being good at killing necron lords (or MC or Ctan), that has to do with the player being stupid. Its sort of like saying grots are good against honor guard cus your oponent charged though dangerous terrain and lost all his models to ones.


The only reason I posted it because it is an example of DOG working to the Tank Shocker's benefit. The idea behind it is to carefully choose the unit you are tank shocking.


But yeah, any MC is going to just wreck a rhino, predator/vindicator, hell, even a Land Raider is not safe. The flyrant was just extremely unlucky with his armor pen roll.


All in All I believe tank shock is still best used to try to get a unit off of an objective.

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