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Use of Thunderfire Cannon


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OK so you have a Thunderfire cannon which you have spent a stupid amount of time assembling. At this point you might have thought of all its uses however one particular use has only occured to me recently.


Tremor Rounds Vs bikes.


Might not be a match made in heaven given that its usually a 5 to wound and you would be lucky to get a kill from Dangerous terrain rolls however there is a more tactical "long game" effect that I hadnt realised until recently.


Models count as in Dangerous Terrain, you cannot turbo boost if you are in Dangerous Terrain. At this point you have essentially stopped those bikes from obtaining a 3+ cover save in addition to forcing them to take Dangerous Terrain tests for all movement, including charging into combat.


Just thought I would pass on this small nugget of knowledge which I have gained by using this really useful model.



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Thunderfire Cannons and their Tremor shells are one of the most useful things we have in the current codex. This is one of the easiest ways to shut down a foot slogging Ork army. With a clear line of sight and 4 templates try to aim for a model that is near the edge of the squad formation and close to another unit so you can make the best out of your scatter die. I have been able to keep 60 Boys in a dead crawl, far enough away being able to assault my units. Rolling only 2D6 and taking the highest every turn slow going. I also used this with great effect on Tyranid armies as well. You might not be wracking up a huge body count but as a Marine player you have various other methods of laying down some quite fearsome templates.
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Yes it does shut down the turbo boosting bikes and also can shut down skimmers and fast vechiles flat-out movement (there for eldar players can find them selves crippled). A very useful Earth army element, it allows more time for units to be shot at and is Earth armies answer to air armies.
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OK so you have a Thunderfire cannon which you have spent a stupid amount of time assembling. At this point you might have thought of all its uses however one particular use has only occured to me recently.


Tremor Rounds Vs bikes.


Might not be a match made in heaven given that its usually a 5 to wound and you would be lucky to get a kill from Dangerous terrain rolls however there is a more tactical "long game" effect that I hadnt realised until recently.


Models count as in Dangerous Terrain, you cannot turbo boost if you are in Dangerous Terrain. At this point you have essentially stopped those bikes from obtaining a 3+ cover save in addition to forcing them to take Dangerous Terrain tests for all movement, including charging into combat.


Just thought I would pass on this small nugget of knowledge which I have gained by using this really useful model.




Why o why aren't you going to the GT this year man! You could win it for the B&C!

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Why o why aren't you going to the GT this year man! You could win it for the B&C!


Thanks for the vote of confidence but I dont do too well in competitions. I dont really have the "killer" competative edge, knowing the tactics and chaining them all together for the best result are different things. I also seem to try and throw the game by doing stupid "fun" things when I start to win. When I get much better so that I can beat most of the players at my club I will consider it, until then I am happy to leave the B&C flag bearing to people like you sir.


That said there are various personal reasons why I am not going this year (I was tempted to see how competative it is) however it essentially boils down to too busy and too broke!



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I also seem to try and throw the game by doing stupid "fun" things when I start to win.


And that reason there is why we need more players like you. :D


Good thought with the TFC by the way. To this point I have discounted it as a fragile AV10 kill point giveaway, but I think its usefulness may just about outweigh it's fragility.



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I also seem to try and throw the game by doing stupid "fun" things when I start to win.


And that reason there is why we need more players like you. :mellow:


I played Wan once and he is great fun to play against! Funniest thing he did was Nobz Bikers moving through terrain and one of them dying for their troubles!


I think Thunderfires can be really useful in a list with a good few Landspeeders and Rhinos, plus some high danger targets such as Dreadnoughts threatening to assault and Landraiders and the like, as Thunderfires just become less of a priority for opponents.


The fact the Thunderifre has so many different uses makes it very useful for such a low points cost.

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Only in Dawn of war, so it gets a good position it would not have if they had to walk on.

But the main purpose before the Dawn of War situation is to manipulate the total number of pods you have.


I don't personally like them. I want to use them, but they never seem to 'fit' into my lists.

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I don't personally like them. I want to use them, but they never seem to 'fit' into my lists.


I have taken to including one in each list I build (I build via Excel and leave it in there). I have yet to find a build where it doesnt work. Even in my Air biker list I have been working on. If you cant see it complementing your list try it anyway, its surprising how effective it is in any list.




PS that Nob biker was killed on my first movement turn, moving through two different terrain pieces. So it truely died before it could contribute, I also wounded 1 other! It really pays to "test" everything to destruction and I came to the conclusion that no matter how tough you are, dont mess with dangerous terrain rolls. Especially when each model in the unit is 40+ points!

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