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Ultramarines Sternguard Veteran


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I might add more text to explain what's going on later, though I think it's pretty obvious. Steps 1-5 were done with an airbrush, but the citadel spray gun will do the job just as well:



Step 1: Zenital highlight of Mordian Blue over black undercoat - this stage from all directions, including underneath.



Step 2: ...and again, this time spraying down from 45 degrees above, rotating the miniature under the spray.



Step 3: Now 1:1 Ultramarines Blue and Mordian Blue again from above.



Step 4: Now pure Ultramarines Blue from above.



Step 5: And finally 2:1 Ultramarines Blue and Space Wolf Grey, from above. A very light coat this time. That finishes the airbrushing.



Step 6: Base colours - the helmet is blocked in Shadow Grey, Gold and leather areas in um, brown. Let's call it Graveyard Earth. Silver/gun metal areas in black.



Step 7: More base colours - Mechrite Red for reds, Grips in Codex Grey, Boltgun Metal on silver / gunmetal areas, Shining Gold on gold. DA Green on the laurels. Eyes painted (including dwarf flesh caustic and white spot) and tidied at this stage.



Step 8: Major highlights - Red goes through blood red, case edges with a dash of fiery orange, white blended through Space Wolf Grey to Skull White. Badab black wash on the gun metal.



Step 9: Minor highlights - Touch of silver on the gun metal, silver / shining gold on the gold. Kommando Khaki to Bleached Bone on the parchments. Devlan mud wash on the gun strap, touch of Asurmen Blue in some of the armour recess (the vent things on the legs). Snot Green and Goblin Green on the laurels.



Step 10: Finishing details - Ultramarines Blue on the knee checks, shaded with a little Mordian Blue, thinned black for lettering, Skull white for the insignia.



Multi-angle picture:


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I like that :P I can see you put a lot of effort in there!!


I especially like the white helmet!


However, i'm sorry but I feel, though you put a lot of stages into the blue, it (looks) a lot less solid than the rest of the model, especially on the legs. I think i might perhaps FF the armour stage 2 steps, and carry on 2 steps further.


Anyway, great job!!!

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Oh right - you mean description wise, I see.

The multiple passes with the spray are needed to get a smooth graduation of colour - the result is that from above the model looks light, but if you look from a low angle it's almost black. IMO, using any fewer stages on the blue would result in it being a little too speckly.


I should also point out that there is no edge highlighting (in fact almost no brush work at all) on the blue - could do with a few spot washes (black behind the left knee for example) but it's pretty much done.

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I personally prefer to do it the old fashioned way with a brush, the only spray i use is the undercoat. Using an airbrush to do it doesn't require much skill and so you dont really have an army you painted, as the airbrush did most of the skill (but i'll admit it is useful for horde armies)

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I personally prefer to do it the old fashioned way with a brush, the only spray i use is the undercoat. Using an airbrush to do it doesn't require much skill and so you dont really have an army you painted, as the airbrush did most of the skill (but i'll admit it is useful for horde armies)


I disagree with skill and airbrush use. It's taken me a good while to learn a lot of these techniques, and to apply them well (without getting paint spatter, constantly having to reclean and unblock your brush etc) is certainly an aquired art. That said, you also can't achieve a lot of techniques (salt weathering, preshading) without the use of an airbrush. Handpainting also obviously has its place (you don't really want to be taking an hour masking off a helmets just to do them white when you could hand paint it in half an hour), but to assume it's inherently a more skillful thing is ignorant.

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Great that you took the time to describe the entire process in detail. I think this is a great tutorial now and that you should post it in the appropriate section too. How long did it take to finish this great mini? It looks like a 4+ hour paint job but I have a feeling it took a lot less!



Man you tempt me both to get an airbrush and to get the sternguard metal set. And to start with ultras. Damn you!

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OP: Sorry what I meant was, the armour did not look as well painted (detail wise) as the other colours on the model. Looking at your last pic of the beaky, look at the back of his feet, it looks like its just blue, sprayed over black, but not completely (like you missed it, or used spray paint as a highlight). Now i know that you used an airbrush, this kinda makes sense.


By FF I mean, you could apply a later colour in your highlights stage as the base coat, and workfrom there, with a few more highlights up the range, this should negate what I see. I hope thats constructive and it helps!


thanks, Nurglespuss :angry:

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Ah, yes, I see what you mean now. It's not just over black - there's actually about 5 shades of blue on there, and to the naked eye it looks pretty smooth.

To do brush work highlighting kind of betrays the point of the airbrush highlighting technique I used. If I were going for GD quality results (I'm not) I'd apply some edge highlights with shadow grey to really sharpen up the edges and do some more glazing with the blue wash - but the point was to keep the average time for the mini down whilst keeping the lightsourced effect.


Yeah- I could get a lighter overall tone by doing what you suggest, but that is the key - the overall tone would be lighter, and would need significant brush work with washes and glazing the centres of panels to tone it down to achieve the same overall tone as I have here.

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Thats fair enough :angry: I can understand the speed element! I've been experimenting to increase my oainting speed for my current project (concentrating on foundation paints/edge lights and quick washes).


Just out of curiosity, have you experimented to see what the model would look like after a wash or glaze? just to blend the armour colours together?


I'm espceially impressed by the white on the studed shoulder pad, i like the very mild shading on it, how was this achieved? thanks!

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It's a shadow grey base coat blended up through space wolf grey to skull white at the top (keeping in line with the zenital highlights from the spray work). Studs picked out in SW grey in the shaded area and pure white on the top.


Actually that could have been easily enough done by spray, but for such a small area the blending by hand is quicker than messing around with the airbrush, masking etc.

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Your Ultras are looking very nice. Good job with the airbrush. So many people see it as an excuse to skip steps and make the model look amazing when you "put no effort in". I disagree, using an airbrush is not as easy and both brush and airbrush are skills utilized to make this a not so grey game (although I wish some people at my local store would just prime their damn models :evil:)
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