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The Harrowed

Alpha PTP

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Well, well, well. It has been much too long since I last posted a painting topic of my own. After starting a Scythes of the Emperor squad, I realized that it wasn't for me if any of you were following that months ago. So I decided to make a new chapter altogether once more.


They're a successor chapter of the All Hallows Guard, for those of you who know my other work.


Since the 5th edition rulebook and a new codex came out which changed how Space Marines played entirely, I obviously had to buy more models and paint them up. After painting black and orange for half of my modeling career, I decided to start from scratch.


The models below are some I have worked on for about a week or so. They're the start to my vanguard squad. I'm going for table-top quality, so I paint these models fast and as you probably notice, there are quite a few mistakes. Anywho, enough chat. Here they are.


I proudly present the Harrowed:


The Veteran Sergeant






One basic Vanguard






Also, this is what I use to take pictures. Kids, never do this at home. It is probably the biggest fire hazard next to napalm in a fireworks factory. Those are pillow cases taped onto two desk lamps. The round marble thing with the base on it is my tripod. The gradient paper is taped to a WW2 history book I have. I'm shocked my house didn't burst into flames. :D




Comments and derogatory remarks are appreciated. :P

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They're looking quite good so far. I especially like the blue robes. I'm not sold on the gold gun casings but black would be too dark. Maybe a few more of them painted up or a squad shot or something will convince me otherwise. Have you decided on a chapter badge at all.



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They're looking quite good so far. I especially like the blue robes. I'm not sold on the gold gun casings but black would be too dark. Maybe a few more of them painted up or a squad shot or something will convince me otherwise. Have you decided on a chapter badge at all.



Well, there is a method to my madness with the gold on the bolters. Since there is only gold on the helm, knees, and trinkets (aquillas, ect) it doesn't balance out with the rest of the model. I might try black and do some gold details, but it is going to look off if there isn't more gold to keep it unified. Make sense? I've been debating about the gold/bronze boltguns myself, but these are the first two models. Things change the longer you paint an army. You know how it is. :D


The chapter badge is going to be the silhouette of a lantern with a blue flame that matches the color of the robes.


Very nice! I like the color scheme. Understated and very effective. Also, off topic, I have that same WWII book in the background of the last pic. Good read! Anyway, keep up the good work!

Thanks a bunch for the kind words. I've been wanting to do a white army for so long. I'm actually very interested in WWII. I just find it to be such an interesting time in history. My dad is nuts about history in general, so I think I get my inquisitive-ness on WWII.


I hate using the SM painter because it isn't accurate in the slightest, but here is what I came up with:



I tried using the black bolter casing, but it was too over-powering for the rest of the light colors besides the blue, and even then, the blue is so light compared to black.

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Absolutely love the subtlety of this scheme, and I think the gold casings balance this out just fine. absolutely loving this. While you say there are some mistakes, I'd ask where? While it may not be a GD entry, it's dang fine for table top, and I think it goes above your standard TT quality with your weathering.


I'm interested in how you do your white and golds though, process and formula? I'm tackling a bone-colored army with black and red notes at the moment and may consider changing the black notes to a gold or bronze...


stellar work, man.

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I agree that the gold casings balance the models out, but maybe you should reserve them for veterans and higher rankings chapter members? It seem to regal for normal marines and scouts etc.


@FireLizard, I am also looking for bone coloured armour (for my Deathwing) and found these promising candidates in the librarium:





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Now, this colour choice seems familiar. Very well done for TT quality. I especially like the battle damage.

The golden bolter casing works well IMO. It might win some cotrast if you inked the rest of the gun black. Actually the way the Painter pic shows it.


Have a look in my sig and you´ll find battlebrothers of similar colour :P


Good luck with this project, I´ll be following your progress.




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Someone has found the light and returned eh? xDD


I see it too and I will come back..soon.


V out

He lives! It has been far too long, my brother. I hope all is well and that your models are still kicking ass and taking names. :P


@FireLizard: Thanks a bunch. The golds and whites are VERY simple. Both of them are only three steps long, and I think they look awesome considering the little amount of time put into it. I'll do a simple tutorial on the white later today.


@S. Bloodhowl: I see what you're getting at when you say it looks too regal, but I'm going to have the same problem that I was talking about earlier.


@warflag: Clearly I was the first person EVER in the history of GW to do a white, blue, and gold scheme. :) I need to black line the veteran sergeant's bolt pistol because it looks a tad funny compared to everything else.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Alpha! Sorry for not chiming in earlier.. holidays <_<


Definitely eagerly awaiting a tutorial on the white and the gold... heck, eagerly awaiting an update...


Course, I say this knowing I have yet to post anything of mine in years. :/ must get those pictures resized...

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Hey Alpha! Sorry for not chiming in earlier.. holidays B)


Definitely eagerly awaiting a tutorial on the white and the gold... heck, eagerly awaiting an update...


Course, I say this knowing I have yet to post anything of mine in years. :/ must get those pictures resized...

Yeah, I've come to the conclusion to never post a WIP again because the Chaos gods always kick me right in the crotch. There always just like "lol no"


I've had finals all this week, been in a huge argument with my girlfriend, and have yet to do any Christmas shopping. To say the least, painting models isn't on the top of my list right now.

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