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A titan. Built using things I found round my house


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i've just finished throwing together my titan, which is a bit bigger than a warhound, but not as big as a reaver.


i was sat at my desk, surfing t'internet, when i stumbled upon a picture of a scratch built titan. I had, obviously, heard of these before, but never thought about giving it a shot myself. However, this picture just screamed to me BUILD YOUR OWN.


Thus, I glanced around my room, and seeing nothing useful (apart from a discarded volcano cannon), went to our attic and dug out an old captain scarlet skybase playset. I proceded to strip this down, removing everything useful.


I started with the feet first and worked my way up, pausing only to think how to do the head. I liked to look of the reaver one, so mine's head is influenced by that.


The titan is now in my garage, with the spray paint drying. Not a bad days work, to say i started at about 3pm...


I will post pictures when I've figured out how to upload them (first time y'see)


EDIT: I've just read this through, and it sounds like a recipe for disaster. Is not that bad, trust me.

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Put the pictures on photobucket, then under URL link ((i believe, its the one at the bottom)) underneath the picture, copy that whole code, and just paste it into your message. Then we can all see your wonderful model :D


I'd have to see it before saying much of anything else. Although the fact that you actually made a scratch built titan is A for effort!


Brownie points for you!

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1-Front View

2-Size Comparison

3-Side View

4-Top View

5- My Stormlord (I've been aching to show it off for ages :) )












EDIT- Oh wow, it worked!!!

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My only gripe with the titan is on its legs...in my mind they should be hinged about halfway down to actually le the damn thing walk, other than that its a good effort.

As for your painting, I think you are being too critical - at the very least the paint is all in the lines and it comes across as being very neat. The colours work well together and produce a striking scheme. Keep it up ^_^

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My only gripe with the titan is on its legs...in my mind they should be hinged about halfway down to actually le the damn thing walk, other than that its a good effort.

As for your painting, I think you are being too critical - at the very least the paint is all in the lines and it comes across as being very neat. The colours work well together and produce a striking scheme. Keep it up :)


wow, thanks.


the legs were hinged, but they keep slipping, and i cant get any superglue down in the joint.


i tryed to do it with an obvious joint, like a cylinder, but it wasnt strong enough and the torso and upper legs kept snapping off.


its got the go-ahead from the majority of my gaming group, so its all good! ^_^ :cuss

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I think the torso just needs some horizontal going on. Give the head a more outwards appearance and the back outwards as well (Warhound) Also if you can get a bend in the legs you'd be perfect!


Still like to point out that even if you don't do anything more, or ever add these revisions on a second, you still BUILT A TITAN!

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it broke. :tu:


i was fixing its dodgey ankles, when the torso etc fell off, and smashed on my desk... :P


But still, never one to be defeated by failure, I have procceded to fix some of the things you guys came up with. The torso is slightly thicker, the head sticks out more, it has knee joints, and is more secure at the hips.


pictures when i can find my camera...

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