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My Noise Marines


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Hey all, taken me a year to paint these cuz I'm so slack and busy at work as well. Let me know what you think.


The bases are horrible, I know.




Aspiring Champ [most recent]. I tried some blending on the horns and sword.





First Noise Marine I ever painted




Second one I painted [think it came out worse actually]



Third... The horns are plain black now cuz they were rubbish before.






Any C&C welcome.

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Paints are a bit thick, and some washes could go a long way. A wash and highlights would really add to the pink. The leather looks really good though, and overall you've got a good start and a good concept. They just need a bit more attention.

Cheers for the feedback man, paint on the darker marines [1&2] is really thick cuz I was just starting back and didn't know i had to thin my paints, think they're gonna have a swim in brake fluid at some point. Also was undercoating with black then a layer of purple. Pink is a nightmare to paint over black/purple so had about 6 coats of paint on the first couple!


I'm undercoating with white now so I've got the pink coats down to 2, then a highlight coat of 50/50 pink and white, and white on the very edges. Guess I could do another layer of highlights between pink and the 50/50 mix but it takes me long enough to paint em already!


I washed the models with a thinned down tentacle pink to blend in the highlights, doesn't really come accross in the pics cuz it's so dark. I don't want to wash with a darker colour cuz it messes up the pink icing look I'm going for :D


Painting another two atm so will stick them up when they're done.

When doing the pink if you build up through liche and warlock purple instead of just layering the pink you'll probably get it smoother and with fewer coats. Personally i prefer working from black instead of white when painting the flesh colors on my noise marines (which only takes 2 coats to do over black).


When washing the pink you can just do it in the recesses, you don't have to do the whole thing. I often to a wash then re-touch with the original color. So take your pink, wash it in something like leviathan purple, then repaint pink on the edges. Gets the recesses suitably dark while maintaining the pink. Right now it just looks too flat and plastic-y and isn't showing the model's detail fully.

Cheers again for comments dude, I'll try a darker wash on some of my next models, I'm doing another two at the moment so I'll stick em up when I'm done.


Hopefully these are at least tabletop quality and they seem to be getting better each time which is good considering I have no artistic talent whatsoever :)


Getting another £60 of models delivered, another noise marine squad, rhino and daemon prince in time to play my brother's SM army at Christmas. Hopefully I'll kick his ass for him :P


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