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magnus the red from prospero


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Ach, he is got a troll arm from mordor and wields a blood slaughterer's blade ! This guy is a friggin chaotic agent 8)

Some light effects around the green macaron would bring a little something IMHO. Backpack seems a bit too small and well... Not even needed, he is just wearing a standard primarch-mutie plate and not a PA for as far as I see in the illustrations.

Nice work !



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Yeah. Good Ol' Magnus was a cyklops all right. :D


The mini is great, but it ain't Magnus.

I don't read the warhammer books, so I will have to ask whether it says that his one eye is centralised?

regluc11 has depicted only one eye if I'm not mistaken...


Aw-well, Art depicts what the artist wants to be depicted.


Good mini, as Dark Sensei said, light effects wouldn't go amiss, but awesome none the less.




P.S No offense meant anyone, sorry if any taken

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to be honest with you.... this is the best Magnus model I have ever seen! :tu: :tu: can we have more pictures from other angles please.


Agreed! I'd like to see more of that axe.


The spell effect in his hand needs more highlighting, but perhaps the camera washed it out.

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Didn't Magnus have a 3rd eye or 1 eye or what ever it was about his eye....


Yeah. Good Ol' Magnus was a cyklops all right. :)


The mini is great, but it ain't Magnus.


Regluc has it spot on, the more recent artwork of Magnus doesn't depict him as a weird Greek cyclops (thankfully), but more along the lines of he has one good eye and the other eyelid is shut as if the eyeball is missing... Have a look on the Black Library website for the cover of the Heresy novel A Thousand Sons

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