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duel:Magnus vs Russ


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I don't think anyone is going to mistake that model as anything other than Magnus. While Russ is comparatively a bit small, Magnus was supposed to be a giant even amongst the Primarchs.


I personally like this a lot, Russ' pose is very dynamic though I think his shoulders bent back so far look a bit strange. Still very nicely done and I think you pulled it off quite well.

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I think the diorama is fanfrickin'tastic and like it quite abit. Russ' shoulders look abit odd, but honestly not too bothersome. Infact, the only thing that remotely bothers me about the model is the size of Magnus' backpack. Everything else on him is giant except for his power supply. Granted, I like the backpack, I just wish it was more in proportion to the rest of Magnus. Otherwise? I think it's a sublime example of a diorama.
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Magnus is too small, Magnus is red, Leman Russ is bigger then a normal marine, Leman Russ's sword is too big. Painting and sculpting are good though.


This response just hasn't sat well with me since I read it yesterday. This is the response I see in my art students all the time when they are jealous of something. If this was a class, and this piece was being critiqued by fellow students, you would fail. Especially after I looked up your painting level. You sound like a pompous @ss responding like this. Congrats, you attempted to make someone on the internet feel like they wasted there time, your awesome! Do you want me to start on the failures in anatomy in your sister sculpts, in ability to mix colors in your painting, poor understanding of color theory, and how your true scale attempts don't actually work with the anatomy of a male human body???


To address your simple statements:


No where in the fluff does is state the actual size of Magnus the Red and therefore stating that he is to small, in such a way as to imply that your statement is cannon and 100% factual is incorrect. Every reference I have seen to Magnus simply states he was a giant amongst the Primarchs. Giant is relative. If you have ever stood beside someone that is 7 foot you will know that they are huge, but if you made a miniature of that person to scale in comparison to a 6 foot person, there would be someone online stating how he was to small...


I have seen enough conflicting fluff about Russ (including especially images, and miniatures) that there is nothing to suggest that he was significantly larger then a normal marine. Larger in presence, and possibly slightly in body? Yes. All you have to do is listen to Jes Goodwin rip on people like yourself making marines into anything bigger then they are to realize how stupid an idea the ubber grand primarch is. Actually most of the novels suggest that it is persona and presence more then stature that makes the Primarchs stand out.


As for the sword. Yea it's big. I don't like the sword myself, but not because it's big. I like the size. I don't like that it looks like a Chaos Sword, I would like to see a kick butt chainsword, but I don't see one. I would prefer the chainsword, but that doesn't mean I say: "Russ' sword isn't a chainsword you suck."


Oh, and complimenting something after you attempt to tear someone down, yea, that doesn't make it all good in the end...


As for the actual miniatures. I tend to stay away from Primarch models and interpretations because all of the production sculpts I have seen and most of the one off sculpts and conversions I see don't do the characters justice in regards to the images I have of them in my mind. I refuse to accept the images of the primarchs in the HH Visions books as cannon, as I have seen several different illustrations and miniatures of them over the years.


This piece however is actually evocative to me. It uses the HH books as inspiration, but makes an interesting play off of the imagery that is actually believable in my mind when I combine ALL of the fluff regarding the two Primarchs together into one collected image. Clearly the person that made this did more then just buy Collected Visions and copy the illustrations, but actually has read more fluff then what was produced for the Horus Heresy card game. He should be really happy about this piece. I do agree that the back pack is a bit small, but I hardly noticed it. All and all it's one of the better works I have seen on this forum in some time.

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bit of a waste of time there fireangel, his avatar already says just about everything you need to know about him if you know your interwebs (and it's pathetic subcultures :wallbash: ). Not keen on the piece myself, mainly due to the Russ side of things, the comparitive scale is too far out and pose too awkward for my tastes. the painting is solid though and it's generally good work. taking a stab in the dark at a 'solution' i wonder if you'd benefit from more time in the 'planning stage' (getting it down on paper first and playing with the ideas there before commiting to chopping bits up?
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The man asked for a critique and he got one. Trygon was blunt to the point of rudeness but he wasn't distorting perception or anything to warrant a wall of text flame hijacking the OP's thread.


Back on topic, the scale looks " off" in the pic provided. Perhaps if you'd made Magnus slim and long limbed rather that thick it wouldn't even be an issue? Of course, that could be my preconceived vision of Magnus getting in the way. The angle of Russ' shoulders look unnatural. I thnk that's mostly due to the bulk of the shoulder pads. If they weren't there the arms would be in a natural position for a downward lunge. Aside from those small points great work. Love the paint job. Love the conversion work. Looking forward to more from you.

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despite some rude comments from member to member and some immaturity i agree with some things said


size of a peice is relative, meaning that russ could well be 8 ft in that diorama and magnus is just one big ol' beast, i think that works and it looks great.


ill end this saying that before anybody looks up my modelling history and painting works and stuff that i know that i could not make such a peice and that it looks top notch



it is stunnning, well done :wallbash:

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Interesting piece of work, there is dynamism and it "tells a story" so that's a gud thing.

Now, once u chose to make some classic-astarte size fer Russ (as it seems, its hard to say) I'd say that red's size fits in comparison. None of us is so sure about that guy or that guy size. For an example, I'm working on a Primarch project and the first discussion was precisely about sizes and talking about Puppy the 1rst, we stated that his eyes were at floor+34mm... And we will wait till he is finished to state for Red... Not an easy debate.

For info and as far as the HH boks say, the only Primarch to fade into his troop ranks seems to be Alpharius and there is that drawing of Pup with buddy-guards and the big axe weilder behind him (AS)... We dunno if the back guy is standing on something or what... To us, Alpha stands at 32 (eyes to floor), most of the others stand between 34 to 36, Red is wholly different (he is a damned mutie, remember).

Primarchs are bigger. Of course they have a radiant charisma and things but they're bigger, sometimes significally. I can't quote by heart (and I'm not the guy with post-it with Primarchs logo at any description) but this is whe way we did it and we just can't make'em sample marine size.

Talking about Red, we chose not to make an arrow-in-the-eye guy but a real cyclop with a central one. Well of course we will wait till HH books settle the thnig but I'm affraid it'll be Blanche's drawings choice ad that'd be sucha pain...


I think that a reddish skin for Red (or more likely a deep orange with little terracota) would be more fluffic but that's my point and the mini would lose in reading. Right arm seems really HUGE compared to the rest, a bit too much IMHO. Puppy's sword is a bit too big... I imagine the guy whacking voilently and making a flip over instead of moving his choppa 8). Oh btw fire, Pupp has no chainsword, Dorn probably but Pup has some runefang thing out of the tooth of some tyrannid pizza-eating babe called the Kraken.

More than the rest, I think that repositionning the two guys would bring much. I mean Russ has a "dead sword" if Red makes the slightest move in his direction and on his side, Red seems like he's got a full month to cast his "turning into a chicken" infamous secret spell. I think you need at least twice that distance between em to be gud.

Thx therefore for sharing and carry on this way, its always pleasant 8)


TT : pompous

Fire : explaining people how pompous they are, is quite... pompous

Me : Ack, I just did 8)



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Calling someone out on being a pompous is pompous to a degree, I will concur with you, but if no one says anything then immature actions like the ones above continue. And I would go so far as making any sort of artistic work, and presenting it to the world can also be considered a pompous action, therefore it is up to people to discuss the best ways to move forward when discussing such sensitive subject matter as someone's creative process.


The OP didn't "ask for a critique" like someone stated. Unless of course simply posting online means you are open to getting flame critiqued by people who's only qualifications are their post counts. But regarding critique Dark Sensei's statements are actually constructive. They explain why he feels certain ways, how he addresses similar issues, and possible easy solutions to some of the less complex issues with the miniature.

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Bah, there is just no big deal and well, this is a well handled forum where moderation strikes when needed so take it easy, nobody died.

Btw, its a common statement to consider that a posted mini will attract opinions (gud or bad ones, this is still a mark of interest).


In order to bring something to my pompous and fruitless answer, this is Red by Bruno G.




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Regluc11 you did a GREAT JOB! on this peice. I am sure you know that and anyone that sees it in person will say that it awesome! Even a GW modeller!


Only thing I could say to the rest of my fellow gamers/hobbyist is please stay on topic and leave the off topic chatter to PM's or some other form of communication. If you have a difference of opinion from someone else thats fine and all but please respect the OP and not pass endless chatter over whose opinion is better or worse.

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