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Tech Heresy CSM -- No PLague, Just Science!


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Though I enjoy the benefits of the gifts of Papa Nurgle, I always hated painting a whole army worth of gaping, discharge spewing, abscess ridden Soldiers.

As easy as it was to model and convert, it was left sorely lacking for modeling glee.


After a long and sometimes belligerent discussion came the idea to create a Nano-Tech infused renegade Space Marine Chapter as a "Count As" Nurgle CSM Company.



A survivor from the Dark Age of Technology wakes up in a sealed bunker deep within an asteroid belt; and discovers the depths of technical ignorance that his fellows have fallen to.

"They have forgotten the tools to alter matter at the subatomic level, and spurn the use of AI Technology, what fools!!


Nurgle'fied flesh knitting itself together with clustering flies and slithering sinew......or swarms of nano-machines rebuilding machinery and bio-organic gubbins.....

Think Transmetropolitan, mixed with some Blame

Its seems close enough to slap some metallic paint on it and call it SCIENCE instead of Sorcery.


And here is whats been molded together so far.....



VERY ROUGH, first steps to Scratch Building an Obliterator..




Starting from scratch seems easy, until you start to do it.



The Dead Men Walking




3 Combi Plasmas + 1 Heavy Flamers full of possibly painful death.




Head Design Mark 1


The Plague Marine squads will start as basic Space marine models with additional Cabling and non-organic bits.

The main one being the Mark 1 "Eye" Head design.






More to come later.

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I really like the concept you have thought up. I also think that you can represent Chaos as well with bionics and tech as with pus and decay.


The Oblit is indeed very rough, so there's not much I can say.


I can't really see the concept in the Termies (although they do look nice)


Now the Mk1 "Eye" Marine has a lot of potential. Looking forward to more ^^

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Iron Warriors seem a bit too common these days and I wanted to have a field day with Fluff and modeling.

THough the force will have quite a bit of armor once its done, looking forward to starting the 2 Defilers (Combat AI)'s


Thnx Cathar,

I was looking for input as for what to do with the termis, I'll add some more wires and techy bits to em


The Oblit off to a cantankerous start, lets see where it gets too.

THough this heat activated hard wax is cheap, its sometimes tough to work with as it hardens very quickly.

When the basic shape if finished I'll use GS for the detail work.


The heads going to get beefed up a bit, to make it look wider and have more depth.

But do you guys think I should try a 3 Eye Design?

Once I get a good head design I'm going to get it moulded 20+ times and add it to the currently headless marines.


Some picks of the marines themselves will be up 2night.

Maybe some work on the oblit too, who knows

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I really like how the hands turned out



Great project, sorta close to the look i'm going for.

There will be a fair amount of obviously metallic components, but organic looking sinew and such will also feature heavily in the larger conversions.

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You might want to use glue for the organic bits, in Holland the glue is called "bison tix", I don't know what your local counterpart is, but the great thing is that when it is drying up you can kind of stretch it or simply keep it like that meaning you will get two kinds of results. If you stretch it, it will look very webby which is cool. If you keep it normal you would need to repeat that process a bunch of times so that the glue (when its dried up) will look like some blob/nasty goo which is very cool too!
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You might want to use glue for the organic bits, in Holland the glue is called "bison tix", I don't know what your local counterpart is, but the great thing is that when it is drying up you can kind of stretch it or simply keep it like that meaning you will get two kinds of results. If you stretch it, it will look very webby which is cool. If you keep it normal you would need to repeat that process a bunch of times so that the glue (when its dried up) will look like some blob/nasty goo which is very cool too!


Is it like Gorilla Glue? (wood glue)??


Sounds like a neat idea to try.

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Added some more to the legs and gun arm and went to work on the CC arm.

Now im getting a better feel for shaving and shaping this wax stuff.


Shiodome -

Just the kind of face Im trying to build with the DP's face.


Some other stuff I'm using as reference



More updates coming later

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