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4th company ultra marines

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Well Its about time I start posting on this forum, so here is my blog. I have never done a blog before and it is only recently I have started building my army.

I hope to build a nice size (about 1,500+pts) game legal force of 4th company ultra marines. Every model is going to be converted in someway, so a lot of space marine kit mixing is in need for. All are going to have scenic bases of a urban theme. lots of rubble, barbed wire to give the right feel.


I have yet to come up with a nice formula of ultra marine blue i would be happy with, so with the urban feel in mind does anyone have a ideas they could post up?


I am also looking for images or art work of captain Uriel Ventris and Pasanius. Although accused of heresy, they are still my favourite characters. I’m under the impression pasanius wears terminator armour is this correct?


Anyway tomorrow ill start with a few photos of my WIP




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Ok just a small to do list.


Calgar and honour guard (although i don’t think ill ever use him in my army i couldn’t resist not getting him

Sergeant chronus

1 terminator squad built

Veteran squad mk1 set (i don’t like some of the sculpts in these two sets so i may just use them for the parts)

Veteran squad mk2 set

1 vanguard set

2 tactical squads one unit built

1 scout squad

1 assault squad (may use these to kit bash)

1 rhino built

1vindicator built

1 predator



I also have a painted AOBR dred that needs neatening up, to be honest I just used it as a practice paint. Ill post some photos later.

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looking very good so far, my only complaint is the Heavy Bolter marine, I personally dont really like the arms on him, and also his left arm, the handle isnt attached to anything :P I dont know if thats intentional but it looks a bit silly, unless his arms are just tacked in place at the moment?


other than that well done, cant wait to see your version of Pasanius :P

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Personally i'd custom build some arms for the HB marine, the scout HB is a nice mini, espically for tac squads as the norm HB is quite clunky, but scout arms just look silly on a marine body, and as im sure you've found out they are not the same scale.


Now all you need to do is file off some flash lines and paint them. Have you decided how your going to do your blue yet? Any test pieces to show us?

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Thank you for the comments please keep them coming, it is encouraging me to keep going.

All the weapons will be drilled as soon as I buy a new mini drill. As for the heavy bolter marine although I am happy with the pose like some of you have said the arms do look a little out of scale.

I’m looking at a way of converting normal marine arms to fit without altering the pose too much.

Also I need to place a small piece of plastic card to form the rest of the fore grip on the heavy bolter.

Still looking for a blue I like the look of.


Is it me or have the flash lines on space marines got worse over the years?

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Ohh you mean the slipped die... about 1-1.5mm difference to where it should have been...


Thats caused by the casting operators not doing their job properly. Unfortunately QC at GWHQ is virtually non-existant now.

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The rhino and vindicator are now finished just a few finishing touches ie tracks and other tanky bits.



I intend on using this model for my second tactical squad. Some of you may notice the top hull parts of the tanks are not glue properly. I have left it like that so when i get to the painting stage i can get to the inside details.


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