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Hi all, I've been an on again/off again fan of warhammer 40k and the original. I played the game like 10 years ago and have recently gotten back into it thanks to DOW videogames. I originally wanted to create a Blood raven army and look into doing some conversions for the characters, but soon realized that there are already people doing just that. So I started looking into creating a custom army, one that doesnt stick to one color scheme. Since there are 10 divisions in each chapter with 10 squads in each, I was wanting to diversify my squads. I have a base theme for them that is the typical grey, though I want schemes for a desert, forest and urban camo themes also. I need to create the backstory for the army as well as a reason for the deviation from the norm. I noticed that the sons of medusa use a special squad that has a desert heavy support squad and was interested in something like that. My desert units would focus on bolter fire power while the urban units would utilized plasma and fire based weaponry, clearing rooms and negate cover, my forest based units would probably mix all the above though that would need to be ironed out. All four types would have melee class units with the urban types obviously having the better equipment. My base grey units would use the equipment the others types use just not as specialized. I have used the space marine painter and have ideas but I just need feed back on the idea of a multi painted based army. I still need to create a army design for them too.
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First off, welcome to the B&C! ^^



Your idea can look very good or very horrible.


The important thing is to have some sort of combining element, like the same color on the shoulderpads or a clearly visible badge or symbol on every mini. Something to tie them together.


The problem I can see with your idea is that the army will look way too busy with so many different camo-patterns. I don't really like camo on marines anyway, as it doesn't go along with my view on their tactics and ethics.

Thanks for the comments, yeah true about the tieing in elements. I agree with the fact that too many colors on the field would be confusing. I will copy the method the death watch uses with their units, leave a section with the same color on the shoulder. I just wanted a variety so that I wont be like painting the same schemes and stuff, and can be creative with them. My ideas for the different types of armies gives me an exuse to specialize them to a degree. I was wanting to model the army after todays military, when they mobilize, they use camo schemes similar to the environment they are fighting in. Thats how I want to model my army, yet also have them use equipment that would compliment that style. An example would be the urban setting, its mostly close quarters and building fighting, so they would use close quarters weapons and equipment to fight, flamers to negate cover and plasma, with a more focuses melee fighting characteristic. The desert is mostly an open field with not much cover save dunes and shrubs. They would utlize bolter fire as there is no need for exotic weaponry and the heat would affect the weapons also. These are ideas I was looking into for an army.


Thanks for the feed back,


Hey all sounds great to me I have done exactly as you have, my marines use cammo and each company is focused on the warfare of a certain enviroments. I am have been thinking about tieing my army together this one colour but as I will probably be doing all my tabletop units in urban cammo and only one from each company just for display. My first company is almost all black cammo for stealthy insertions.


I will give you some advice first off, simplyify the cammo, i explored doing more detailed chocolate box style realistic cammo but it looks to crowded and you lose the model to the detail.


I use a grey primer, mask off the areas you want to stay grey with bluetack and spray white primer over the top let it dry and peel of the bluetack. Instant cammo just wash the model and detail it and ou have a quick but decent looking army. This method works for any colour scheme you want if you have an airbrush, i use the bog standard GW one and its fine.


Heres what ive done so far







Hope it gives you some ideas

I like the idea. Itll work great with what Ill be planning. Ill need to practice it to implement it. My army is based in a system that would be cut off from the Imperium do to warp storm activity. The army is based off the cursed founding time period from Ultramarine gene seed. Since the Gene Seed for Ultramarine is thought to be pure, how could one improve it. The changes made to it provided the ability to be creative. Ultramarines dont deviate outside of the box thinking and I wanted something that fought differently. Since they are based off the cursed founding, the issue of the warp storm makes them have some form of bad luck, hence the warp storm. The system they are fighting in consists of four planets, I havent named it yet will get to it eventually. The system and my army have been listed lost. Since they are caught in a warp storm, they are battling chaos and ork armies.

Now for the camo, two of the planets are habitable, one a desert/jungle, forest type planet, and the other a hive city based planet. To combat in each they needed to adapt. The conditions of each afford plenty of recruitment. the situation also give the opportunity for an imperial guard army. As well as chaos and ork armies also. The setting I guess could be a dark crusade esque thing, minus tau and necron. I need to purchase a recent codex to review possibilities. I know I want my army to some extent incorporate infiltration tactics and from what ive heard the see and not be see tactics. Id also like to use hit and run as well. For the army to be functional though, they would need to be armed to suit the battlefield they fight in.

Ive alluded to some elements there for my urban units, hive fighting. My desert would use bolter fire due to the open area and it would make using more exotic weapon except maybe laser based stuff useless due to the heat. I would like to create a dune buggy like unit that would function similar to the bike units, as well as bike units. They would be my fast attack units. The jungle and forest based squads would use a more tank and fire power based approach. With the range and cover tanks and artillery would be good here. My fourth would be the elites I guess, they are the units that function in the uninhabitable places, like space stations and the like, they would arm themselves for the situation. These units would utilize terminators, if I wanted to have termies in my other stuff, I could wrap them with painted fabric to give them some camo with out changing the paint scheme. That about does it, what do you think?

My original fluff included my marines being cut off due to a warp storm, but eventualy i came to one i like better.


I am avoiding my terminator in my army because I dont think terminators suite cammo, but its personal choice.


I think using tanks in the jungle is normaly a bad idea to many places to ambush from. Tanks in a desert is more suited, or even urban areas where streets are still a valid path.


You could use your dune buggys as attack bikes and use alot of scout bikes. they would look great in desert cammo.

True about the forest/jungle stuff. Maybe ill limit them to rhinos equipped with dozers and utilize more land skimmer units. On another post on the works in progress page someone was converting a speeder to be a transport in the vain of black hawk down. I liked that idea and could try something similar. This scenario would also be good for assault oriented units too! Thanks alot for the ideas. The camo ideas are awsome and Ill try to make a style similar without copying it. Also they should use more artillery support, in the vain of vietnam ie we were soldiers. As for the termies, they cant really be used in the varied camos due to the slow movement and their inability to be unseen and stuff, just like dreadnoughts. I still do want to have dreadnaughts used in the various settings just maybe as a support unit with ranged equipment, and/or use them as a deep strike unit. Ill have units equipped with teleport homors to allow accurate dropping or something. I will have units that remain in the company colors, but they would be used for spec ops type missions and space hulk missions i think. The army itself adheres to the codex in the form of company and unit setup however, instead of the majority being in reserve, I was thinking having the units rotating activity on the various planets. On a side not, how do you add pictures to this page? Thanks all.

I created an image of what I want my marines to look like. This is for the 1st company and chapter HQ units. My style is simple because thats how I like my marines to be. The camo units I want to have a more indepth paint scheme. Many bloggers on the site, say that having greyish or marines in the white to black color spectrums are boring, I say its up to the painter to make them unique. Im new to this, so I want a simple start with an improved approach as I go. Jester Prince, if u see this, thanks again for the advice about my tactics and painting. Once I have cash flow, and time. Ill get started.




The image listed there is an idea. Its the base grey units, I was wanting my 1st company to use that style. Since they are the units that are operating in space environments camo doesnt really work. My camoed units, the urban units will use more of a flamer approach, I cant design the camo on the painter here its only single coats only, so they would use meltas and the like. I also want to look into blind/flash grenades. They would work great in close quarters. The desert units, I want more artillery support, not sure about tanks too much, they are more for speed, so bikes and buggies are more appropriately. The forest/jungle units can use tanks though they would need more support to prevent flanking as jester pointed out, I was thinking more of an air support variety like land speeders, they can provide tank esque fire power and better mobility. Im not really too keen on purchasing a thunderhawk yet but down the road maybe. My urban units can use tanks and rhinos for sure, though I would need to weigh the benefits, close range support negates the abilty to attack units too far away, ie tank busters.
I saw on several posts that you couldnt see the link, I could see it when I click on it? B) Well is there a way to add pics on here directly? I have some saved pics on my comp of ideas to start, havent really started on the camo yet just have some base work. the guy I had created earlier was for that posting. Thanks.

Back on the subject of my army. Im gonna call my army the Ghosts of Ultramar. Im working the backsory for them suffised to say my original idea was a cursed founding chapter, but ive decided against that due to the fact that each chapter has either met with devistation, ie lamenters, fire hawks or have gone rogue. So im looking at other foundings, maybe a following founding chapter that went mia due to an incident, or was assume traitor and is considered an enemy of the Imperium. The scheme for most of the army will be a dark metalic grey with black trim. The chapter insignia will be a half cresent symbol in the shape of the Ultramarine symbol.




Here again is the space marine painter image, I used the vs3 edition so i couldnt add any insignia. I chose the ultramarine insignia because it would be easy to use either a shoulder bit and just file down the portion I dont need or use a decal and cut it in half. As for the color of my insignia, due to the theme for my army, I wanted it to be a greyish color, not the deep white you see on the Ultramarine's insignia. Hopefully you can see it as I will not join photo bucket to upload pics and I dont know how to upload directly to this site yet.

It looks cool, I use firefox and for some reason it wouldnt load in it, but it works fine in Internet explorer.


I think the image needs something. It would be nice to see it on a test figure.


Also personally I am not a fan of the name, the ghosts part is cool, but i dunno ghosts fo ultrimar sounds a bit meh, and perhaps you should look to the ravenguard as your founding chapter, they are the ones who primarily use stealth and hit and run tactics.


From what I gather Ultramrine successors are genrally proud of their heratige and their colours. Dosnt mean you couldnt make that part of your chapters downfall.


Perhaps your chapter tuned on another chapter out of a disagreement and went to full scale war with them, they won but in the process destroyed the evidence that would prove them the rightious, and when thery couldnt prove ti to the inquisition they were declared traitor.


They still remain loyal to the emperor, they just have to disapear as soon as the job is done.


Anyway just an idea im throwing in the air for you.


Or you could destroy 90% of the chapter declare them disbanded officaly, but they still opperate (was my original plan for my chapter but i changed it). Would give you small numbers that require hit and run and stealth tactics.


Or depending on if their a fleet based chapter (would be hard for them to be kept track of) or a homeworld kinda chapter you could use the old chesnut of blowing up their homeworld.


Id like to see some more ideas for your cammo thats for sure, though i like the black/grey approach to vacume/boarding actions, ive been rattleing my brains about that too, cammo just dosnt seem to fit in space.

Thanks for the advice, ive posted some pics on my album and Ill create some links on here in a bit. I only have my forest and desert camo designs up with the camo themes. I just used paint on my comp and carefully added the designs. I still need to create the urban theme and that will be it. As for the army, Ultramar is the region of space that the Ultramarines control. I was thinking about using the Raven Guard first but liked a different approach to the Ultramarines. Maybe I could use the Raven guard, just need to change the insignia, but I still like the ghosts part! Corax's Ghosts, or something.

I wouldn't worry about the insignia yet, its difficult to come up with one, try to rush it and you may hate it further down the line. Though I like Corax's Ghosts or Ghost of Corax. It sounds alot better then Ghosts of Ultrimar, in my opinion.


Anyway its all your choice, so dont listen to me unless you want to.

If I can give you another piece of advice, stop the Painter scheme planning. It won't really help you with your painting. You won't know which colors would work best or which technique and style fit you.


Get yourself some cheap test minis (like Black Reach or Macragge snap fit Marines) and just PAINT.


This is just my opinion, but I think it will help you more than wasting your time with the painter..

This is just my opinion, but I think it will help you more than wasting your time with the painter..


its more expensive but he is right, i always use AOBR minis to practice new schemes as i really dislike using them on the battlefield.


but if you dont have the money then the best option is the painter, but i would say its primarily for showing what your scheme is rather than deciding what it is.

Ill one up the idea about the painting, I actually have some old minis, the ones from the space marine, dark eldar set, as well as some metal ones that I purchased way back when, I can test on them to see how itll work. As for the insignia and stuff, Ill need to look at the raven guard insignia and see how I can edit it. Im not an expert so itll look almost if not the same as the raven guard just some minor differences! Shame GW cant make a system that can allow you to create your own or something, though there probably is one and I dont know it yet. Thanks, Ill try and start testing here probably today or tomorrow, depending if I have time. Thanks!
You can buy some dirt cheap transfer paper of ebay (clear stuff), I baught like 10 sheets worth for a fiver. Then make a sheet of your insignia (or they have a load of free ones to download of Bell of Lost souls, and print it off. Spray ti lightly with some varnish. then use it like normal transfers, its brilliant.


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