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Shooty Vanguard?

Chapter Master Hades

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Hello Everyone


I currently run a unit of 10 sternguard ( PF, 2 combi-meltas, 2 heavy flamers) and have been most impressed with their performance. Often they find themselves cut off, operating ahead of the rest of the army. Sometimes they get locked in an assault, which is rather unfortunate as they shred things in the shooting phase, but only function averagely in close combat. They certainly could use a little support now and then, but my army theme is extremely shooty. So what to do?


Does anyone believe that a small unit of vanguard, all with plasma pistols and melta bombs, would offer their sternguard brethren a needed hand? The idea would be that the sternguard advance to their destination (mid to deep field) and the vanguard would drop down and blast the enemy with 5 plasma shots. Couple these plasma shots with vengeance rounds and I'm fairly sure any squad of marines they set their sites on are toast. The sternguard could then get back into their rhino and drive around as needed and the vanguard would be able to keep up, using the rhino as a form of cover. Once the sternguard get out and start shooting, their vanguard brothers could back them up with some plasma and then assault any survivors. That way the sternguard can get back into their rhino and offer assistance where needed and the vanguard can catch up in a turn thanks to their jump packs.


So...thoughts? Ideas? Criticisms? While I know vanguard are primarily used due to the abundance of power weapons, do you think a plasma pistol build is viable?

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It's just a few to many points to wrap up into a single supporting formation. You may think you could just split the Vanguard off to do something else but you have geared them up to where they might not be as affective in a different role. What it sounds like you might need is a counter assault or you could just stick a Chaplin in with the unit which will make them more effective in Close Combat. You might just want to invest in a Dedicated counter assault unit like Assault Marines or CC/BP Scouts to cover your Sternguard.
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It's ironic that you dub the Honor Guard as shooty support and don't mention their ability to take Auxiliary Grenade Launchers, which are pretty fun I understand.


Why not take the Vanguard as melee and use them to support Sternguard that way?

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Up the ante, add a few combi-flamers. If you can fire them before you get assaulted, that may help. I designed my Sternguard around it's lack cc weapons. 2 Heavy Bolters, 3 Combi Melta, 5 Combi Flamer. 5 potential flamer shots would keep enemies at bay, while you can rip them to shreds with the bolter/heavy bolter fun.
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