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How do you play Drop Pods?


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I just wanted to know how marine players play drop pod lists.....

I have been working on a Space Wolves Drop Pod list, with you guessed it Logan, with Long Fangs, ssome terminators, and i also threw in a Dread for very little reason, other than it fit.....

So how do Codex:Marines play Drop Pod or other Wolves players.....

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Well, if you wanna play a drop pod army, basically you split it into you choose some drop pods to serve as first wave pods, and then choose some others for the 2nd wave.


The first wave pods should have strong, killy stuff that can destroy enemy vehicles and slaughter lots of light infantry (ork boyz, for example) AND withstand a lot of punishment. So, basically, things like logan and lysander are very good for this, combined with big strong units of something. Dreadnoughts are also great, as they draw anti-tank fire like crazy. Good thing with SW is they can have two meltaguns on their GH squads, so a droppoding GH squad can easily pop a vehicle on turn 1. Some of the first wave pods should also have locator beacons for obvious reasons.


The 2nd wave pods should be the objective-grabbing guys, like GH, tacticals, etc. and the killy stuff that comes to support the 1st wave.





The way to play AGAINST drop pod armies is to put everything in reserve. This way an opponent is forced to land on an empty table, and get shot up hard.




If you're playing a drop pod army, and your opponent puts everything in reserve, your best bet is to use the 2nd wave first, and to land them further away from the opponent's side of the table. This way you can keep some troops in terrain, holding objectives, and take less casualties from shooting. Your killy stuff would be arriving later, when the opponent's stuff has already arrived from reserve.

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I just wanted to know how marine players play drop pod lists.....

I have been working on a Space Wolves Drop Pod list, with you guessed it Logan, with Long Fangs, ssome terminators, and i also threw in a Dread for very little reason, other than it fit.....

So how do Codex:Marines play Drop Pod or other Wolves players.....

What point values?


Because at 750 its TDA and 2xGH with a DP.


At 1000pts Id add in some scouts and a landspeeder Typhoon, upgrade the squads a little.


At 1500pts Id add in a Dreadnaught and another GH Pack in DPs, and maybe another Landspeeder with MM.


At 1750 thats Long Fangs in a DP, and another LS.


At 1850 Id probly shift things a little to add in a Rune Priest somewhere, or just upgrades if I cant make it fit the way Id like.



Drop pod in about 8" away most of the time, rapid fire and flame.... take the blow, and then move up bolt pistol and assault. Use the scouts and speeders to take out enemy armor as quickly as possible- and starting them on the table.


Or- If my enemy deploys off the table, Ill deploy my forces normally save the first wave of DPs, and then use the DPs to make some terrain farther up the table and advance my men into the new "fortress" ive just created. Then use 24"-48" firepower to pick them off as they come in and force them to come to me.


Or- If my enemy plays Orks, CC Nidz, or Khorne Ill deploy with firebase units on the table, and then DS in TDA and a GH pack with DPs on the flanks, and shoot them as the advance.


Just for some basic wolf-pod tactics.

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Dont forget to try and maximise movement pains for your enemy at the same time as deploying your bods. I take great delight at deploying my pods in a way that my opponent has to move around them, even counting doors as nothing (which I think is the right thing to do) the footprint of the pod is huge and really forces the enemy to move around quite a bit.


Deploying close to the enemy or between units allows you to neuter the affects of scatter quite a bit, you can always deploy on the other side of a unit if you think you might be in danger of getting charged.


Try to deploy where you force enemies to move before disembarking units, it usually means that they cant charge you if they do so. Prime example is dropping close to a Serpent with Banshees in it, due to the way I deployed he had to move his Serpent then disembark because I was blocking his exit.


Dont be agressive if you cant accept the losses though, drop pod units get nailed if you play them agressively. Use this by selling their lives to take down key units, leave vanilla troops etc for the second wave.



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Here are the 3 schools of thought I've seen


My approach - Distraction

- 1 drop pod with something nasty. Tactical Squad or sterngaurd squad paired with a librarian.

- Tool the squad up, tacticals with plasma, or melta, sterguard with melta, flamer, heavy flamer

- drop down combat squad, take out a couple of units. Make enough noise that you opponent will divert some of his forces to deal with a smaller unit that is hitting him in a vulnerable place

- Monster you main force over the top of the units he didn't divert

- close in for the kill


Mass drop pod approach

- use drop pods, terminators, legion. Everything deep strikes.

- deployment means squat. start where ever you please.

- pick your fights and get you best weapons into good (and close) positions turn 1.


3. The OMG thats HAX approach.

- Minimum for the army.

- 5 drop pods

- Scout bikes w/beacon

- 2 librarians


Other ideas - Storms make this very funny.


Infiltrate the scout bikes. Drop pod on thier beacons. Gate of infinity 2 squads(which you deploy out of thier drop pods) to the bikes


Then have 2 squads of scouts assault out of their storms.


5 infantry squads (tac, stern guard, terminators (or Dreads (I KNOW THEY ARE NOT INFANTRY)) are in rapid fire range turn 1.

2 x 5 man scouts squads assault turn 1

1 x scout bikes most likely assault turn 1

if your going first enemy Vehicles haven't moved yet, auto hit

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