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Red Scorpions: the beginning

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My name is Anthony, and i am fairly new to the 40k hobby. I have tons of kits and pewter figures, but i have a hard time in painting one army or another. Anyways, I am here to start a WIP for my Space Marines of the Red Scorpion Chapter.

Up first is the leader of my chapter, Lord High Commander Aridas Zaen.





Please excuse the picture quality only have my iphone right now.

As you can see by pf mounted bolters, he is a counts as Marneus Calgar. Compared to most of the modders here my skill i weak, but i think he came out the way i envisioned him to be.

more to come as is done, thanks for looking and any comments are most welcome

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I think it is a good solid conversion, I like the mod on the backpack as well so you can see the ammo, is it a devestator heavy bolter pack?

If you could, any chance of a close up of the join between bolters and the power fists?

Keep up the good work :D

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Thanks guys!


The back pack is the commander bp with the vents trimmed off and an termi assault cannon ammo box that i hollowed out slightly to fit.


It might be a good idea to post the parts ive used to make him


Head: DA Company Champion

Torso Front: Command Squad Company Champion

Torso Back: Commander Back

Legs: Commander Legs

Right Arm: Assault Squad PF and old school Bolter

Left Arm: DA upgrade sprue PF and old school Bolter

Back Pack: Commander Back Pack and Terminator Assault Cannon Ammo box

Ammo Feeds: AoBR Dreadnaught stormbolter ammo feeds

Shoulder Pads: Red Scorpion Sergeant Pads

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Good stuff so far, I started Red Scorpions but only made it as far as 1 hq and 2 troops before Chaos called me back, so I am very much looking forward to seeing your army grow. The conversion is great, will look really good once painted.
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Clearer pics would make it easier to see.

Your camera phone isn't set up to do macro shots, so I might suggest holding the mini a bit farther out. Yes it won't be so close, but it will be in focus. If you notice the background, the boxes are in focus and the mini isn't, which would mean that if you hold it a bit farther back you should get a bit clearer shots. Just a few pointers.

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The first thing I'd say is that your backgrounds always seem in focus in the shots, but the foregrounds are too out of focus to really make out much detail in the model, which is a shame because it looks cool.


Maybe move the camera / phone further from the model so that the model aligns with its focal depth a bit more?

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